Amanda Linette Meder

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10 Best Spiritual Blog Articles for Empaths

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Empathy is the ability to sense what others are feeling. 

Being an empath is defined as being someone who has a strong ability to sense and be influenced by what others are feeling.

Empathic people, the shorthand is “empaths,” are thought to be people who are highly clairsentient, with very open heart chakras.

They are assets in any environment. They can often pick up on others’ emotions, and use this information to promote more harmonious environments, influence others’ moods and enhance their own well being.

Being an empath is not about being powerless to absorb the energy of situations and being at the whim of the moods of those around you, even though it can be that when this ability is not managed.

When you are an empath, you can be influenced by others emotions, but you can also choose to focus on channeling your own emotion to your liking. 

You can then project that energy into the environment, therefore, influencing those around you.

Yes, empathic people can choose to channel their own emotions so vibrantly, that it is more difficult for them to pick up on and be influenced by others' energies.

You can take charge of empathic abilities and choose to feel how you want, regardless of what is going on around you, promoting harmony by being a positive projector rather than an absorber of energy.

To get a better understanding of and learn how to manage empathic gifts, here are the best articles for empaths on the blog:

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  1. 13 Signs You're An Empath

  2. 34 Benefits of Being Sensitive, Empath, HSP

  3. Empathy Development: How To Develop Your Empathic Abilities

  4. How To Manage Empathic Abilities

  5. 4 Tips To Strengthen Your Empath Gifts

  6. 5 Tips For Feeling Overwhelmed When You Are An Empath

  7. 4 Tips To Improve Your Energy Boundaries

  8. 11 Signs You’re Clairsentient

  9. I Am An Empath. Does That Mean I Can Sense Spirit, Too?

  10. How To Raise Your Energy, Your Vibration & Your Mood

If you are an empath, be aware that you can change the type of emotion and energy you pick up by shifting your own vibration, too. Click on the last article in the list above to learn how to do this.

When your vibration shifts, you literally move to a different non-physical wavelength, also called “vibe,” so you may not even sense or be affected by other people on other “vibes.” 

Shifting my vibe is my favorite way to change how I feel and experience Earth as an empath.

To end, these articles offer just a few more ways to take the bull by the horns when you have empathic gifts.

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Rainbow light by Gradienta on Pexels with text overlay 10 Best Spiritual Blog Articles for Empaths