Amanda Linette Meder

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Mediumship Methods: The Three-Way Link Of Connection

Photo of golden ray of light and orbs coming from above in bronze background by adrihuman007 from Pixabay

Updated 2020.11.13

Work with Spirit to improve your ability to deliver information to you, the Medium, so that you receive clearer images, information and symbols right from the start -

The three-way link is a style of mediumship that approaches Spirit communication as a three-way process of connection between the Spirit, the Medium and the Message Recipient.

Using this method, the medium learns how to hone in their own abilities, making themselves a clearer channel to receive more accurate messages, how to work with Spirit to obtain better information and how to work with the Message Recipient, to provide a better internal pathway to delivering that information.

With the medium as the central link, the three-way method teaches a medium how to piece together all of the information they receive within themselves, how to receive better information from Spirit and how to ethically and appropriately deliver information to the Message Recipient to obtain the best, most healing and highest possible outcome for all parties involved.

This method of mediumship teaches

  • How the Medium can use their different intuitive modalities to receive information from Spirit, how to understand that information, and how work within Oneself to piece it all together using the intuitive senses to deliver a clearer message to the recipient. It teaches how to make, you, the medium a clearer channel for both receiving and delivering.

  • How the Medium can work properly, ethically and professionally deliver what you receive from Spirit to the Message Recipient, and how the medium can work with the Message Recipient to deliver better, more comprehensive and clear messages that the Message Recipient can understand with a more open heart and mind.

  • How the Medium can work with Spirit to receive better information, clearer imagery and messages, and a more cohesive storyline as to why they are coming through and what they would like to say.

This three-way link method views the medium as the central, turn-key link in the Spirit communication process - with Spirit on one side, and the Message Recipient, on the other side - all three are part of the clear connection pathway. Spirits. Medium. Message Recipients.

Because of the three-way connection happening in each link between The Spirit World and The Physical World, this method teaches the Medium how to work with all three parties involved to make the reception of the information and the delivery of it, as seamless, easy to understand and accurate as possible.

It teaches the medium how to use their intuitive abilities, create clarity within and develop the intensive focus needed to receive messages from Spirit. 

Some methods of mediumship teach the medium work within themselves to become a clearer channel within - without combining these two other key elements of working with Spirits to receive better or with Clients to deliver better messages - neglecting other two essential threads of a perfectly streamlined connection.

My three-way method, which I’m going to cover below, teaches these three parts, and once learned, it makes your job as the medium much easier.

By working with Spirit to be a better communicator and by working with the Clients to be better receivers (and to understand their role in the communication process), the process of Spirit communication is more streamlined for the medium and involves less energetic input on their behalf.

With this method, each individual is now an active, live part of the three-way connection loop.

Using this method, and receiving engagement from your two other ‘link holders,’ many mediums find themselves feeling energized, peaceful and excited, rather than drained, after a session.

Using this method, you can start to receive clearer information from those in Spirit, for both yourself and your clients, and you can learn to work with Spirit to obtain clearer, better and more cohesive information, enhancing both your experience and the experience of your Message Recipient (or Client). 

The three-way link method of mediumship creates the ability to

  • Receive better, more articulate and streamlined communication from Spirit

  • Clearly receive and understand Spirit communication receptions within Oneself

  • Deliver those messages clearly, ethically and professionally to Message Recipients

It honors and teaches each core link of the mediumship process and teaches the medium the essential elements of connecting.  

Photo of beam of white light shining down into Antelope Canyon red rocks geological feature by tegawi from Pixabay

To call in a three-way link for mediumship connections

Below is my three-way linking process for opening and closing a channel to connect in psychic mediumship, that I use when calling in Spirit for messages, guidance questions, looking into a topic, or for a client.

Step 1.

Ground your energy. Visualize tree roots coming out from your feet going down to the Earth. Then watch these roots pull energy back up from the core of the Earth into your feet, watching as tree energy rises up through your body.

Step 2.

Bring your attention to your Crown Chakra. Visualize a stream of Divine Light coming from above, entering your Crown Chakra, wrapping around you, and spiraling down through your body, flowing through your hands, heart and feet.

Step 3.

Call forward Spirit energy by asking any one in the Higher Light to step forward into your energy space. Notice any changes that come forward, these can be signatures of your Spirit speaker that they are using to identify themselves.

Step 4.

Lean into your client or question’s energy. Visualize your client’s energy, read their name or birthdate, or focus on your question. It is now time to call in the final energy, so ask a question, and start delivering messages by sharing what you sense or writing it down.

Step 5.

At the end of the connection, de-cord yourself from the interaction, clear your energy by asking or acknowledging Spirit when they step back, and reset your energy to neutral by repeating the Steps 1 & 2. 

Step 6.

Finish with any activity that raises your energy and keeps your mood elevated, this helps you enjoy the spiritual energy you just called in for much longer, allowing you a chance to bask in the Divine Light Energy you just called in, well after all other members of the three-way link have gone.

I suggest completing the closing Steps 5 & 6 anytime you open the three-way link, because it allows you, the medium, a chance to feel the energy you use when working with others or on specific issues independently.

This gives you an opportunity to get to know what spiritual energy feels like, then what your own spiritual energy feels like when clear. This way, you can identify when it is present on it’s own will, making it easier to connect with Spirit spontaneously when the timing is right, or notice when your energy is aligned perfectly.

This mediumship process is translatable across all intuitive abilities and styles of communication, and I hope you try it out in your own practice.

Once learned, it gives you the essential tools to ethically, consciously and holistically open a safe, clear and loving channel for all parties involved in the connection: You, Message Recipient, and Spirit.

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