Amanda Linette Meder

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A Prayer of Intention for Mediumship

Photo of burgundy tea light on white table by Photo Collections from Pexels

Updated 2020.07.06

Looking for a prayer to use in mediumship? In this post we discuss - 

Before calling those in Spirit to connect with me, no matter what the circumstance, I always do three things to prepare myself for a primary connection to Spirit.

Close my eyes

Take three deep breaths

And say a prayer

A prayer, also called an intention, a mantra, a chant, or an affirmation, helps send the session's intent to give all parties a shared goal. 

As mediumship is a three-way link, often, the most fruitful connections involve a shared idea of what will transcend out of the relationship.

The best way to affirm this is by setting an intention or verbally saying a prayer.

Of course, with endless amounts of time, there are hour-long meditations, candles, and specific preparations, I like to do to prepare myself for the best session possible.

Today I want to do simple. So no matter what the setup, no matter where I am, below are my mediumship practice staples for calling in the Light.

It starts like this: some intent, after some grounding or clearing, then I open the floor.

With these three keys to practicing, you could bring through Spirit anywhere. The steps to say a prayer for mediumship are below, and to me, it's okay that they are simple - simplicity is the basis of connecting purely and seamlessly.

Everyone has some version of their preparation to connect with Spirit, spicing it up with this or that, trading a seed sound in place of a full prayer, 

This is one prayer you can do as an invocation for Spirit.

Below, we go over the full practice -

3 Steps For Saying A Prayer To Connect With Spirit

Photo of candles warmly lit in lanterns, bird cages and votives by Craig Adderley from Pexels

Step 1. Ground

Ground and root yourself to the physical Earth before linking, and extending upward helps stabilize the link. It helps to have and sense a secure connection to Earth for channeling some energies, like Angels.

You can ground by placing your feet flat on the floor hip-width apart and breathing while visualizing all your soul's energy centering into your heart.

Another way to ground is to close your eyes and visualize a grounding cord that connects you to the Earth, like roots from your feet.

When grounding, also imagine everything in the physical world vanishing and going completely dark. The only thing you are focusing on is the roots beneath you and the light within.

I mention a few more techniques on how to ground in these posts:

Step 2. Clear

Clear your energy from non-essential emotions and thoughts before clearly connecting with Spirit is key to clear communication with anyone - including those on the other side. 

They call it being a hollow bone for a reason - it's the goal, to be a vessel so any energy you are channeling can step in. To be a vessel, you want your energy clear.

The easiest way to clear and release what no longer serves you is three deep breaths and imagine it like dust shaking off of you. It helps to shake a bit when you do this or sway. 

When you take three deep breaths, you imagine all emotions and thoughts surrounding and within you, being released into the air around me like smoke and then settling back down around my feet, to the floor earth.

Debra Katz recommends in her classes the technique of seeing the dust all ball up into a little star imagining it going off and away from you until you can't see it in the galaxy, and it becomes just a speck. I like this technique too.

If you have a hard time visualizing at three breaths, continue until ten breaths or until you feel a release.

Some add their optional clearing herbs at this part. 

I think Peppermint or Eucalyptus works excellent if you are using oils, or White Sage or Juniper if you are using a leaf or a smudge wand.

If you have some money allocated to spend on spiritual investments, go for Frankincense for resin or oil. If you have an animal in the house, something lighter like Palo Santo can help make the clearing feel more clearing. 

Step 3. Intentional Prayer

After your three deep inhalations and visualizing clarity, the final step is setting a goal for your connection with Spirit.

This is often called an intention or the mantra. 

In mediumship, you set the standard for how you will act in the interaction of spiritual communication. In the prayer, you ask for all those involved to assist you and honor this process or make an offering, too if they have one. 

In prayer or intention, you usually wish for yourself and others. In a connection like mediumship that often involves a third party, others are invited to make their wish as part of the intention.

Mediumship is a three-way process, so we combine the intention to honor others and the prayer to ask others to join into this bond with the same intent.

The intentional prayer for mediumship can be said within or out loud and is best started before any individuals in Spirit formally step forward. You can add it in throughout a connection if forgotten, too, and it can still set the link back on the right track. 

So let’s begin -

Spiritual Mediumship Prayer. Photo of burgundy candle on white table setting with text overlay - A Prayer of Intention for Mediumship by Amanda Linette Meder

A Prayer of Intention for Mediumship

We step forward to connect with Spirit in truth, in love,

and welcome in those who wish to do the same,

for the highest and most positive future outcome of all involved.

This prayer can be used in any circumstance when you connect with Spirit, including:

  • Before you go into a meditation with your Guides and Angels

  • Before you connect with Spirit for others

  • Before you ask for guidance or signs from your Loved Ones in Spirit

You can use it when connecting genuinely with others in the Spirit's physical body (people in your life), as they, too, are Spirit within. 

To recap

Photo of five prayer flags in the wind by Anja Knoche from Pixabay

These are basic three-part preparation steps to opening the connection to Spirit, yourself and all those involved - 

  • Ground with feet or visualization

  • Clear with breath

  • Send your intent with a prayer

Then you're open. Anoint yourself with oil, ring a bell, light a Sage leaf, or light a candle when you open for Spirit to symbolize the light being present to open the connection officially.

It's very similar to the three-part breath in yoga - center, space and then connect.


Now it's your turn.

Close your eyes and take three deep breaths, and give it a try. 

Some people like to ask a question immediately after prayer, so if you feel called to do that, do.

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