Amanda Linette Meder

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Guardian Angels: Who Are They? And How Can They Help You?

Photo of large and small carved angels in fairy lights and white textured base by jhathome from Pixabay

Updated 2020.12.23

Guardian Angels are your guardians in Spirit form. 

Their role in your life is much similar to that of an attentive spiritual parent - to watch over, protect and guide you, spiritually, emotionally and physically.

They watch over and protect you, and provide you with a supply of love and compassion, to connect you fully with the greater aspects of your own Spirit and ideally, all of those in Spirit around you.

Guardian Angels predominantly exist with the Light Realm (also known as Heaven, Source, Divine or Oneness); however, some have been known to embody the physical specifically to help those they watch over in times of change.

They communicate clairaudiently, thought light flashes, and often through gentle nudges.

These Angelic Guardians do not have physical bodies, yet they maintain an energetic or Light body. Still present as an energetic mass, you may not be able to see their full appearance with your physical eyes, you may simply sense their energy or hear their voice.

However, you are likely to see an Angel as the Light body or as a Light source that they are - Angel sightings are some of the more common of all the spiritual sightings that you can experience.

Seeing a Guardian Angel as an orb or a streak of light is normal for this reason.

Guardian Angels are part of your Spiritual support team of individuals guiding you, providing you with cues, direction and support to keep you safe, happy and secure within your physical, emotional and spiritual body on Earth during this lifetime.

Working with your Guardian Angel can provide you with benefits, such as

Photo of love angel surrounded by silver star and globe decorations by Annerose Walz from Pixabay

  • A open link to the Divine, Heaven

  • Supportive daily guidance and spiritual support

  • Compassionate emotional understanding

  • Development of your empathic abilities

  • Friendship and wisdom

  • A sense of security and completeness

  • Unprecedented, quick assistance in times of need

  • A greater perspective, a bird’s eye view of a situation

You can work with your Guardian Angels to receive support and guidance, ask for protection, or to assist you with opening up your connection to others in Spirit.

Wondering who your Guardian Angel is? 

People are often unconsciously familiar with their Guardian Angels from childhood, and have even received gifts or items from relatives with symbolism of their Guardian Angel on it - providing a cue as to what they look like or how they appear.

The main difference between Guardian Angels and Archangels is that Guardian Angels tend to specifically watch over one person or family, whereas Archangels tend to watch over a soul group, sometimes directing Guardian Angels on where to focus or go.

To end, Guardian Angels can provide spiritual support and perspective, watch over you or your family, and they can appear either in dreams or psychic sight. Appearances are common.

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