Amanda Linette Meder

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Angel of Prosperity and Abundance Prayer

Photo of human in flowing clothing overlooking rainbow cloud galaxy by Peace with Love from Pixabay

You have a specific guardian angel who assists with your finances. 

Your Angel of Prosperity and Abundance is around, advising you and guiding you in your journey with money and the wave of energy that it flows along since birth.

According to Angels, money is a form of energy they describe as moving in “a flow, a currency” and they often speak about money in terms of balancing the exchange of energies and harmonizing flows.

Before we begin our prayer, take a minute to think pleasing thoughts with your Angel of Prosperity and Abundance about the level of money and abundance that has flowed through your life up until this point and the ways in which money has shown up or has been created in your life in sometimes miraculous ways. 

While it can occasionally feel like the gateways of prosperity don’t open up until the eleventh hour that it is needed, it’s still important to be happy about the times the eleventh hour has arrived. 

Source sometimes provides just moments before it is needed and often just in time, to the point where it sometimes makes me laugh. If you can, try to have a sense of humor about this miracle working. It lightens up the energy field which helps you connect with the Angels better.

Working with your Angel of Prosperity takes two things: a sense of optimism about the future and a positive mindset, since most Angels work on an emotional frequency similar to the emotions of bliss and joy.

You being happy when you begin to tune into your Angel of Prosperity and Abundance can help you hear their messages better and act on them in the many forms of natural intuition that we all have.

If you are not already feeling happy, go turn on your favorite music, have one of your favorite snacks, or take a few deep breaths outdoors, whatever you need to do to smile. If you can’t do any of those actions, read a few positive affirmations for joy.

Now it is time to say the Angel of Prosperity and Abundance Prayer. 

Take a big inhalation, and here we go - 

Photo of pink and purple background with four pointed star in center by Marc Sendra Martorell on Unsplash with text overlay Angel of Prosperity and Abundance

Dear Angel of Prosperity and Abundance,

Thank you for continuously guiding me to sources of new abundance when sources of former abundance have run their course. 

Thank you for providing me with creative inspirations to get the most for my money and thank you for providing the right people in my life who ensure that I continue to receive the most in all forms of prosperity.

I appreciate all you have done so far to ensure my needs have been met, even if they have been met only at the moment of my greatest need.

My request now is you provide me with both more prosperity than I could ever use and more resources than could ever benefit me. That you ensure the abundance of the community looking out for my success here on Earth and you provide me with more abundance than I have now, so that I can generously ensure the abundance of this same community and beyond.

I trust you have always been, as you are today, fully aware of my needs for prosperity and abundance. I am asking now that you place a series of three or more signs in my life to indicate you have heard my wishes and that you actively enjoy the assistance you offer in fulfilling my needs.

Forever and always,

And So It Is.

Photo of pink and purple background with four pointed star in center by Marc Sendra Martorell on Unsplash

Once you complete this prayer, stay open to any intuitive messages you receive from within or others who are lovingly around you.

When you take intuitive messages from those you love, make sure they are in a loving mood before listening to anything as ‘divinely guided.’ 

A person has to be at the wavelength of love and joy to hear the Angels, so messages not given in that state, may not be rooted in the Angelic, but somewhere else. In other words, your Angels heard your prayers and their messages will most reliably be given to you, but can sometimes, not always, be heard by the loving others around you.

Anything you hear intuitively from your Angels about prosperity and the words they use to describe it, can take a willingness to think outside the box because Angels are looking at things from outside the box - the higher perspective above the Earthen plane. 

So, stay open to expansive perspectives and be willing to receive both linear and non-linear thinking, Angels often guide through the inner voice.

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