Amanda Linette Meder

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Bee Symbolism: 8 Spiritual Meanings of the Bee

Photo of bee with pollen on face by Myriams Fotos on Pexels

In the Netflix Series, Bridgerton, the bee is a lasting motif throughout the show.

The opening credits include a beehive, the death of a character involves a bee sting and bees are embroidered into the family member’s clothing.

Bees are known for their ability to work together in a community and for being matriarchal societies, so bee symbolism in this show, can indicate strength of community, family and feminism

Queen Bees are a symbol of royalty and power, due to their role within the colony, meaning the bee in this series can represent royal power.

Even if you haven’t seen the series, bees commonly appear in dreams, meditations and as Spirit Animals.

In these situations, they can often represent productivity and diligence, since bees go out every day to repeat the same tasks of pollinating flowers and creating honey.

Below are 8 more spiritual meanings of the bee:

Photo of bee pollinating flower by Dids on Pexels

1 - Increased Productivity

Bees are a sign of hard work, tenacity and efficiency. Their task is to search for flowers, collect nectar and produce honey and they are known to fly thousands of miles to complete their work. 

In the city of Manchester, England, bees are on the town hall and clock to represent hard work. 

They represent a commitment to your craft.

Bees can indicate you may have a hard job in front of you, but you have what it takes to be successful. Focus on improving your work ethic. With resourcefulness, efficiency and discipline, you will be rewarded for your efforts.

2 - Time For Teamwork

In love, bees can symbolize working together to get things done and serve as a reminder that we need each other to reach a goal.

They are known to have specific tasks that they complete which benefits the total hive. As a result, they can be a reminder of your dependency on others and the dependency that others have on you.

Think about what tasks you need to do that will help you and your love partnerships achieve your common shared goals. The sooner you get to work on these tasks; the sooner you’ll be arriving at your shared highest and greatest good.

3 - Increased Prosperity, Fertility And Abundance

Bees travel from flower to flower to collect nectar, and they pollinate the world’s food sources, ensuring future life for all of us. 

They can spiritually symbolize rebirth and regeneration, as well as increased fertility and abundance, as the more bees pollinate the more new, abundant life is created.

When a bee flies into your life, it can symbolize a time of budding prosperity and fertility; see if you can identify areas of new opportunity and growth, and spend some time visiting these projects, goals and pursuits.

4 - Share Your Harvest

Bees share the honey they produce with all in the hive. They also share it with beekeepers, humans and wild animals who depend on it, like bears and badgers. 

Sharing this honey spiritually can represent generosity.

In love and community, they can be a sign that sharing your abundance with your hive is part of your task now, knowing that there is going to be more than enough honey for you too. 

Is there a resource you have an abundance of that others can benefit from? If so, it’s time to offer it to your community.

5 - Respect Nature

In Native American Mythology, the bee serves as a reminder of the importance of respecting nature.

Bees, especially Honey Bees, are keystone species in the global environment. If their colonies collapse, so do 80% of the world’s plants, including 130 fruit and vegetable species we depend on.

They can be a sign of the need to respect your role in the collective environment and in your immediate ecosystem. 

How can you support your local environment? How can you give back to your ecological community? 

Think about your oneness with Earth and any behavioral changes you can make to more wisely use the resources we all share, so there is enough for everyone (all species), indefinitely.

 6 - Self Sacrifice Can Benefit The Greater Good

When a bee feels danger, they will often sting to protect themselves. They protect the hive by warning the perceived threat (the beekeeper, bears or other wildlife and insects) about the risks of getting too close to the other bees in the hive, but they also lose their own life in the process.

If a bee appears in your life, it can be asking you to consider doing something you don’t want to do or are resistant to doing, but you know that in doing it, it will benefit the hive. 

For example, this could be taking on a work opportunity or chore that you would rather not pursue, but in performing it, others in the hive benefit. 

The bee could be asking you: Is there a way I can sacrifice my personal wants to benefit my community right now? The mantra here would be, “I promise to do what is right over what is easy.”

7 - Tap Into Your Inner Queen Bee

Bee symbolism can often represent “Queen Bee” energy. 

The Queen Bee has unique behaviors that distinguish her from other bees. 

She lays eggs, she maintains hive harmony through chemical communication with the other bees in her hive, and she embarks on a mating flight, where she mates with several drone bees that provide her with a lifetime supply of sperm for fertilization of new eggs.

These distinguishing behaviors symbolize power and royalty. 

The Queen Bee is essential to bee society. They can be a message to you to tap into the qualities that give you power and to elevate your internal self perceptions to align with the energy of a higher society.

8 - Embrace Your Connection To The Divine

Ancient Egyptians believed bees were connected to Ra, the Sun God. Honey Bees in particular were believed to be formed from the tears of Ra, and upon falling on the Earth, they became bees. 

Honey was used at this time for both practical and religious purposes, as beeswax was used in the mummification process.

When you see a bee, it spiritually can represent honoring your Divine Connection.

Photo of bee on plant bud by Lisa Fotios on Pexels 

All in all, bees spiritually represent hard work, team work, abundance, generosity, respecting nature, self sacrifice, royalty and divine connection.

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