Amanda Linette Meder

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How To Build Your Blog Without Hiring Anybody

Photo of square blog alphabet letters on grey surface by inspirexpressmiami from Pixabay

Updated 2021.01.08

To start, let’s begin with an analogy.

Think of your website as a spider web and yourself as Charlotte, you are spinning a web of connectivity. The internet is called the world wide web.

Thus, the more connections you make, the wider your web gets, and the more others find you.

You’ve likely read tons of articles on how the key to having a highly visible blog is by filling it with good content, and you are likely already doing that.

Because I coach lots of message deliverers - whether they be inspirational speakers, traditional mediums, or spiritual coaches - I decided now was time to create an article on it. 

So just for a moment, let’s forget where all the creativity comes from.

Let’s talk about how to get it out there and into the world.

Before you publish your post, consider what you would Google when looking for that very information within your post. 

Lots of publications have esoteric and very creative subject lines, as though the post was actually the title of a song. Let’s maximize your subject line effort.

Sit back and think about what you would Google if you were looking at the exact information contained within your post.

Consider what the problem you’re solving is, what the reason is for writing the post, and what you might type into your phone to find the solution for it - then make that the title. 

Learn Pinterest. Add Pinterest images to posts. I use the free service Canva for now. 

Because Pinterest is one of the fastest growing search engines. When you’re building your web, Pinterest is your friend - it can even be a way for people to find your information through Google, as Pinterest Pins, also get indexed on Google.

Check out the trend reports for your website. Either use free tools - such as Bing Search Console or Google Search Console, or use a paid tool, like SemRush. These can help you identify keyword trends that give you relative topics to pen for your writing niche.

Finally, if you are looking to build your blog, the best thing you can do, in addition to all these tangible tools, is to follow your inner guidance.

You and your guidance knows best as to what is right for you and your brand.

Just think about yourself. Where do you go for information? What resources do you look into to solve problems? The people who search for you will be mirrors of you so they will do many of the same things you do in terms of how they find and access resources. 

Consider this when investing using free marketing tools like Instagram, or Facebook.

To build your blog, consider adjusting your titles for searchability, build links back to your site by sharing content on alternate search engines like Pinterest, expand your web of topics using free keyword tools, as mentioned above.

Rome was not built in a day, remember that. If you’re committed to your business, you’re building a great pyramid, a temple, a stone monument. 

So it’s okay if it takes some time to plan it out - in fact, that’s what it’s best for. 

Decide on one course of action then dedicate your time to building that next area next.

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