Amanda Linette Meder

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How To Get Comfortable With Clairaudience

Getting comfortable with clairaudience. Image tree reflection over lake by Bessi from Pixabay

Updated 2020.12.30

When I first started opening up to my psychic abilities, I needed time to get comfortable with it. It seems to go this way for anyone who is extra sensitive. 

Growing up in a family where the support of my intuitive abilities sent mixed messages, coming out of my shell as an adult took a little bit of effort on my part. 

Intuitive abilities can take time for people to get comfortable with since our previous culture didn't always support it in the highest light. 

So sometimes when you are attempting to get comfortable with your psychic gifts, it's best to work on them internally and through learning until you find a group that understands. 

Personally, I feel this is what blogs like these are for, and it’s why I try to write them from time to time. 

There is nothing more supportive for getting comfortable with extra-sensitive abilities than having the presence of a group of others who are sensitive to these things, too. 

You can find understanding groups of people at Reiki shares, in psychic development classes, and sometimes at yoga classes. There are online groups that can be supportive, and there are also usually friends that can help. 

If you just discovered you have clairaudience, know getting comfortable with these gifts, support group or not, can take some time.

So below are a few things to know about clairaudience as you get contented with it - 

How comfortable you feel about clairaudience mainly has to do with

  • Wrapping your emotions around the idea of it

  • Avoiding paying attention to the evolving stigma surrounding it

  • Spending time cultivating a positive mental environment for voices

Research now shows that whether or not clairaudience is considered a problem depends on how one views it. So as long as you can change your view of it and manage it, you may be able to go on to live a happy, healthy life with this ability. 

Clairaudience, the ability to see and hear those in Spirit, is one that exists mentally. Though one of the more contested gifts out there, it's also one of the most common, so it’s possible to adapt to getting comfortable with it. 

There are first signs of clairaudience

Are you clairaudient? 

Some of the first signs of clairaudience are:

  • Ringing in the ears

  • Hearing disembodied people saying your name

  • Having a calm voice direct you what to do in case of an emergency

  • Hearing positive supportive voices

On the third one, for example, you hear a voice tell you to turn left instead of turning right, and you avoid an event that would’ve been unwelcome. This can feel alarming; however, it's common when experiencing a spiritual awakening. Some people call the direct voice the voice of God. 

I have a blog available on other signs clairaudience is opening up, and these can include you being more sensitive to noise, hearing radio sounds, and so on. 

Clairaudience can change with your environment

When you have psychic abilities, you are very much open to the type of energy around you. When you're in a loving place and in a receptive state, the psychic kind of information you are bound to receive is going to reflect this. 

However, if you're in a situation where you feel you’re under any sort of duress, the psychic information you are going to receive can also reflect this. 

I've found that clairaudient gifts are susceptible to change based on your environment, both inner and outer, and this environment must be tended to. 

Positive internal environments set the stage for a positive experience with clairaudience, and these we usually cultivate by shaping our outer environment. 

To help support a positive experience with clairaudience, I recommend boosting your internal environment first. 

Thanks to recent research by Dr. Joe Dispenza, we now know the brain acts as a transmitter. 

When we change what we transmit, it's possible to change what we receive.

So when you work on cultivating an internal environment where your psyche feels safe, the type of internal thought patterns you have will be healthier. Thus, it can attract the reception of external transmissions and voices that are more positive and balanced, too. 

Here's the catch though: 

To support your psyche feeling good, and that means supporting your psychic abilities being balanced, you have to maintain your internal environment over the years. Keep a loving environment for one week, and then letting it fall back for three years, is not going to work.

It's upkeep. 

This psychic upkeep is especially important to do when or if:

  • The cultural climate around you could use some positive transmissions

  • If your river of life starts to experience more rapids

  • When the people around you may need additional support

You can keep clairaudience positive

One of the best ways to get comfortable with clairaudience is to start receiving happy calm messaging and you can help support a positive clairaudient environment. 

One of the best ways to get comfortable with clairaudience is to continually attempt to receive positive messaging. This way, clairaudience can be supportive of your life. 

I like to ask my guides to send me messages like "keep it positive" to guide my thought train in a more uplifting direction. This is especially helpful during times when you need extra support. 

Another thing you can do to keep clairaudience positive is to take supplements that support healthy thought processes. Many assist with emotional support, positive mood, and mental balance and energy and the more that you support internal robust thought processes, the more you will attract external receptions that feel more positive to you.

Managing clairaudient thoughts is possible

Feeling like you need more control over your psychic receptions happens to the best of us. When we’re children, we call this overstimulation.

If you hear voices and they feel pressured, it's not to say that these aren't real clairaudient messages. It's just that they aren't the kinds of clairaudient messages you want to be listening to.

Non-supportive clairaudient messages aren't healthy for anyone, and least of all, they aren't healthy for you, your clients, or your loved ones. 

If you grew up in an environment where negative messages were sometimes commonplace, it would take extra care on your part to counteract these and rewrite a new mental environment. 

Or if the media environment around you is filled with negative thoughtforms, any clairaudient psychic may be able to pick these up. The key is to not internalize these messages and not take them as Divine Guidance.

If you ever find your clairaudient environment becomes less friendly, this is usually an indicator of some input or a stressor is adding to this. 

Reaching out for help is always the answer when this happens. And giving your mind, body, and Spirit a little bit more tender love and care during these times is key.

You can accept others who don't believe

It's natural to be excited to share the receptions you received in meditation or in class, especially when you receive something you'd like to figure out more. 

However, know there will be others in your journey who:

  • May attempt to label clairaudience as something negative

  • May be afraid of clairaudience because they don't understand it

  • Only understand it from movies or from when it becomes overactive 

  • May not want to understand

This is all evolving, so also know you may not experience others non-believing at all. 

As more people write, blog and speak about their intuitive experiences, I've found that just in the last six years, public reception of psychic gifts has changed rapidly. 

Some people simply feel more comfortable in life navigating by what they can see and touch, though, and it's important to respect that. We have to respect people's boundaries if we want them to respect ours. 

Personally, I simply don't share everything I hear or how I received it. Especially with those who have handled it poorly in the past.

I also use my other intuitive sensory abilities to read the room to see if it is an okay place to share. My sanity is worth more to me than any negative feedback I'd open myself up to upon sharing in a room of people who aren't interested. 

When you feel like you don't have anyone to share your perceptions with, just remember there is always someone to share with - you just may have to find them. 

Psychic information is best shared always at the right time, in the right place, when all feel comfortable. 

Clairaudients are often empaths, too. So opening up yourself to negative energy when sharing in an unwelcome place is something that's usually not worth it.

I'd instead prefer to feel comfortable with who I am, then try to make someone understand and make myself susceptible to their thoughts about it. 

A few additional most asked questions about clairaudience - 

Psychic development. Getting comfortable with clairaudience. Image tree reflection over lake by Bessi from Pixabay with text overlay “How To Get Comfortable with Clairaudience.”

Does clairaudience get stronger at night?

At night is when the electrical interference is lowest, so many people believe that this is when psychic activity is highest or most perceptible. 

So for this reason, some people receive their loudest receptions in the morning hours right before waking, in the middle of the night and as they fall asleep. 

Hearing voices in your head… is it always spiritual? 

As mentioned earlier, when someone is sensitive to the unseen, they may be able to pick up on the thoughts and emotions of others around them, as well as the energies from the Spirit World. 

It is my personal belief that we can also pick up on the energy of the collective unconscious. Whether this is through the electrical signals our brain sends through our pineal gland, or through wave transmissions that we pick up and interpret in the atmosphere, I don't know. 

What I do know is that voices are not always Spirit Guides. Sometimes, we are picking up on the energy around us, which our brain then converts into words. 

How do you know what's what? 

Messages from Spirit Guides and Source often sound loving, gentle and kind and are different in this way than the racing mind that comes with an overactive to-do list. 

So to recap

  • Cultivating a positive mental environment can help one get comfortable with clairaudience

  • Minding who you share your receptions with can help as you steady your gifts

  • Whether we view voices as positive or negative can be up to us

  • Divine guidance, the guidance you want to observe, is soft and gentle

  • Clairaudient messaging can become stronger, change or shift depending on what is going on in our lives, the time of day, or even the people around us

All this said, many things in the Universe are based on our perception of it. 

Becoming comfortable with your internal environment is a journey for the senses. I have been walking through it, and many others have too. And if you ever feel like you need to reach out for help, there are people on either side of the board who can assist. 

When you spiritually awaken to the many possibilities out there, regardless of what they are, it can take time to adapt and integrate any new information you learn.

So as you develop any extrasensory gift, just know it is a delicate balance to manage it and still today, so much of it is a mystery. 

Science is just now beginning to support a lot of what psychics talk about today. 

And while stigmas are still out there, there is evidence the public is becoming more friendly to intuitive gifts. Now more than ever, we have a more favorable environment than before as others begin to open up and become more comfortable with their gifts. 

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