Amanda Linette Meder

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What Does 'Clairvoyant' Mean?

Photo of a glowing clear sphere with floral jelly fish pattern in center in human hand Javon Swaby from Pexels

The Definition Of The Word Clairvoyant

Updated 2021.12.19

What is clairvoyance? This post discusses what it means to be clairvoyant, what clairvoyance means, and the boundaries of psychic sight - 

The word clairvoyant defines a person who can see images in their mind’s eye. These images can help to predict the future, help a person chart their soul path, support improved wellness and abundance, or provide emotional clarity and balance.

Clairvoyant people often see images in their mind’s eye, and these images are thought to be received from psychic sources.  

Like all psychic gifts, the purpose of clairvoyant gifts is to assist humanity and provide love and support to those in need.

Via light images are the way that a clairvoyant person receives psychic information. These images are considered to be received beyond the normal range of sensory contact and instead, through psychic or paranormal connections. 

The word clairvoyant means

  • A person who can see holographic images in their mind’s eye or outside of their body, and these images can be symbols, scenes, or people. Usually, they represent a psychic truth.

  • Having or exhibiting clairvoyance.

  • Someone visionary, foresighted, prophetic or perceptive. 

The origins of the word clairvoyant are thought to come from the word clairvoyance, which is thought to come from French, meaning clair ‘clear’ + voyant ‘seeing’ (from voir ‘to see’).

This word is first thought to be used in the late 17th century, meaning clear-sighted, perceptive.

So clairvoyance is clear-sightedness or perceptiveness and the people who are clear-sighted, typically meaning clear-psychic sight, are called clairvoyants.

How do you pronounce the word clairvoyant?

Clairvoyant is pronounced K-la-air-voy-ant. 

Using clairvoyant in a sentence, you could say, Her clairvoyant abilities allowed her to see into the future. 

Now that we’ve gone over the meaning of the word, let’s go over the gift.

What is clairvoyance?

The ability to see ambient images in the ethers is the best way to describe clairvoyance. A clairvoyant is the one who sees them. These images can come in dreams, in visions or when lost in thought.

They are usually elements, wisps of bits of truth that have yet to manifest or images of those that are currently manifesting.

Where do clairvoyant images come from?

Usually ambient energy, spirits, or other people, who can all be emitting communication signals, which are thought to be converted to light, sounds, or feelings.

This psychic/ambient clairvoyant information can be received from:

  • Other people, called empathy or psychic reading

  • Spirits, called mediumship or spiritual reading

  • The universe at large, called channeling

From these sources, energetic information is received and translated into images by those who are thought to be clairvoyant.

When an emitted signal is converted into light images, some believe this light forms an image, and this is what the clairvoyant perceives. Not all clairvoyant images are full-technicolor, often I find images will start as flashes, or outlines, or just traces of white light.

It may be possible to see clairvoyant images naturally.

A once held belief that all humans saw within this one range of visible light is changing. New research shows some people can see outside the previously defined visible range of light.

Facts About Clairvoyance

Photo of glass sphere resting on satin pouch with fairy lights, both resting on slotted wood surface by Luriko Yamaguchi from Pexels

There are boundaries with clairvoyance

You won't be able to see everything, so don't beat yourself up if you don't see it all.

You’ll only be able to see so much information. The circumstances around us and the future are ever-changing, so not everything is known. 

As Doc Brown (from Back To The Future) would say, it's not always in your highest or anyone's highest good to know the future. Nor is all the information available for it.

It’s also important to note that certain feelings and emotions can block clairvoyance, such as anger and fear. I talk about this in The Membership, but keep in mind that your intuition can still work in situations that provoke these feelings, it will just more likely operate instinctually, as a feeling, rather than a vision in the height of a moment.

This happens to be true.

Angry people, including angry psychics, often do not see clearly, this is why so many psychics struggle to get their own intuitive insight in a personal bind. 

So with clairvoyance, as with all gifts, it’s normal you might run into boundaries, either external or internal, and that’s okay. Sometimes there are workarounds, and sometimes we just have to get comfortable with the mystery.

Both sexes can carry a clairvoyant ability

While clairvoyants are thought to run in families and are often portrayed as female, males can also bear the ability to clear-sight.

It is a common trait of artists, painters, architects, entrepreneurs, and other visual-career oriented types. 

Clairvoyants receive their clairvoyant images from universal energy sources

Clairvoyants perceive psychic information through inner sight. Clairvoyants are thought to be receivers who translate the energy they receive around them into mental images.

The way a clairvoyant person interprets energy is thought to be much like the way a television set takes the data it collects and puts it into pictures. Instead of in a picture tube, it happens within the human mind or energy field.

A person receives information from ambient energy and translates it into symbols, scenes, or images.

The information a clairvoyant receives can be related to anything. But it is often associated with receiving information on a person’s health and wellbeing, life path, or energy field. 

This is due to the purpose of all psychic gifts, which is to help, so most gifts will gear to assist the needs in the community around the clairvoyant.

Clairvoyance, and the images a clairvoyant receives can be experienced inside the mind’s eye and honed through meditation. It can be developed into seeing psychic images and information outside of your body.

What Does The Word Clairvoyant Mean? This article discusses that plus how clairvoyance works, common misperceptions, and where clairvoyant images come from. Text overlay What Does ‘Clairvoyant’ Mean? The Definition Of The Word Clairvoyant, photo of a glowing clear sphere with floral jelly fish pattern in center in human hand Javon Swaby from Pexels.

Misconceptions About Clairvoyants

The most common clairvoyance misconceptions revolved around the idea that clairvoyants are all-seeing.

Not all clairvoyants see the same things

Even though some people say a clairvoyant is synonymous with someone visionary, foresighted, prophetic or perceptive, someone who is called clairvoyant cannot usually see all the futures.

Not all people who have clear-sight psychically have a perfect third-eye perception of all things, and there are specialties.

Some clairvoyants have the gift of clairvoyance in certain areas of their life, but in other areas, the gift is less pronounced. 

Clairvoyance is such a helpful gift. It can be used to: 

  • See auras, also known as energy reading

  • Look into the future, also known as prophecy

  • Identify soulmates, also known as romantic clairvoyance

  • Help a client chart their life path, also known as akashic records

  • Look into the body and wellness needs, also known as medical clairvoyance

  • Identify products and supplements, also known as product clairvoyance

  • Spirit figures and beings, also known as spiritual clairvoyance

  • View distant scenes, also known as remote viewing

How you apply clairvoyant in life is often related to your Dharma, soul’s calling, and how you were born to use your gifts.

There are specialities

Just because someone can see the future, does not mean they can see health supplements or auras. Some people specialize in remote. Others love or health.

Most, if not all clairvoyants, have specialties and after you practice for a while, you'll start to know what yours are.

A few of the most common specialities are:

  • Health and Wellness

  • Money and Career

  • Love and Relationships

  • Soul Purpose

  • Family and Life Harmony

The clairvoyant’s information often appears as images in the mind’s eye.

A clairvoyant's images often appear in their mind's eye, not a crystal ball. Though, having something to focus your external vision on, can help you see things more clearly in your mind’s eye. 

Clairvoyance, which is the psychic gift of clairvoyants, utilizes the third eye, also called the mind’s eye, sometimes called your imagination, confusing I know but it doesn't have to be, this article on clairvoyance explains how to tell the difference, but in short -

Clairvoyant images are often crisper and stronger than your imagination, though they don't always start out this way.

Clairvoyance allows you to see information appear in your mind, and genuine clairvoyants will often later have the information they see validated as real. 

You have to share what you get to receive validation that tells you what you get is true. Validation will happen if you practice long enough, maintain goodwill, and share what you get.

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