Amanda Linette Meder

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How To Overcome Disappointment

Disappointed? 5 Tips To Overcome Disappointing Moments - Image by Oimheidi from Pixabay, mountain range, with orange and purple light

Updated 2022.01.08

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Being disappointed is defined as feeling sad or let down when someone or something has failed to fulfill your hopes or expectations. 

Disappointment can come after a single incident, such as a friend telling you they can no longer attend an event you were so looking forward to. 

It can also come after a long string of events. Such as being continually disappointed with the recognition, acknowledgment, or financial payback you’ve received from work and the continuous reasonable efforts you’ve put out. 

Disappointment wears many hats. It can show up in your life in many ways. And at some point or another, we all have to deal with the feelings of being let down. 

Even Ascended Masters have had moments where they felt they had to walk away from the pack and into a state of higher enlightenment.

This, I feel, is what disappointment often is calling us to do. 

Disappointments often asks us to look away from the failures of human needs and imperfect systems that are continually improving. Instead, it encourages us to look within our immediate environment to see what we can do to inspire and reignite the belief in our own hopes and dreams.

Disappointment can be a sign; it's time to go within. It can be an emotional signal that you're drained, too. Now it's time to call your energy back from the world and draw it closer to you. 

This inward time can help you cultivate your own power again. Doing this can also restore hope and faith in humanity, and hope and faith in yourself. From that, you can eventually deliver this hope and trust back to humanity. 

So if you’ve been only recently feeling disappointed or if you’ve been feeling this way for a very long time - you can say enough is enough with this feeling. 

You can rise above routine disappointment and feel another way. 

If you’re interested in this, please read on. The below steps can support you in a shift from feeling disappointed to feeling inspired again -

5 Ways To Let Go Of Disappointments And Move On

Hot air balloon over rocky landscape from Pixabay

1. Start lifting the vibration of your innermost environment

Sadness and let down with how the outside world is supporting you can, over the long term, become taxing and draining on the body, mind, and spirit. 

So one of the best things you can do is to start lifting your internal vibration with the resources of thought and mind.

For this, I like reading spiritually inspiring blogs. 

A few articles on this site, such as this one on drawing love into your life and this one on trusting your intuition, are great places to begin stirring that inner light again. 

Some people like to listen to inspiring youtube videos, such as those created by Abraham Hicks. I also enjoy listening to Tania Gabrielle and Universal Intuition, and many more. You may also just head to your library or read through some of your books or oracle cards.

2. Food improves mood and you can do nutrition at a low cost

Nurturing oneself is one of the best self-transformation tools for disappointment.

The antioxidants in foods can also promote positive emotions of safety and satisfaction, so filling your stomach can indeed help shift your mood. 

To boost yourself out of disappointment and into a state of gratitude, there is sometimes nothing better than a full belly. 

Excellent ideas for nutrition options that are filling, vitamin-rich, and low cost are:

  • Squashes

  • Root vegetables

  • Anything in the brassica family including cabbages, brussel sprouts, kale, all when in season

  • Dried then soaked beans, lentils, and rice

You would not believe how tasty, diverse, and nutritious rice can be when you shop all the different brands out there to find the one you like the most.

3. Update your wardrobe

I believe it was Thoreau that once said that a man must not get a new wardrobe until he, inside himself, becomes a different man who needs different clothes. 

When you feel disappointed, it is possible that on a soul level, you have outgrown the previous situation in which you were attached. Now it is time to evolve into a new state of being. This may mean that all sorts of things that used to fit you, don’t anymore.

Ideas, people, thoughts, or even places that used to appeal to you may no longer hold any interest. This can lead to other feelings of isolation, separation, or sadness until one finds their new place of comfort again.  

During this time of separateness, you may have come upon revelations in your meditations about the different ways in which you will now be going about the world. And you may or may not feel a strong desire to go shout this from the mountaintops. 

The good news is that as people, just as with animals, we can portray our new ideals through our dress, our style, and the entire way we present our essence to the world. 

Cultivating one’s own sense of style can be a fantastic mood booster as you reintegrate yourself back into the world of hope, inspiration, and love. In fact, a little personal styling may be the very thing that creates and simmers that inspiration again.

What I like to do before I shop: 

Meditate on the personal attributes I find most flattering in myself. Then I ask for the divine within me to show me the cuts, colors, and styles that will be most comfortable and illuminating to my highest features. 

This can help you hone in on styles that will benefit you and highlight your beauty most, and save you money.

4. Find groups that inspire you

Now that you’ve inspired your thoughts, filled your belly, and updated your style, it’s time to go connect with other humans. 

Whether you’ve been disappointed with a work situation, a lover situation, a financial situation, or a life situation, humans are pack animals. 

The divine also speaks through other people. Others will be able to provide you with the support, insight, and love you need. You now have to find them. 

My best advice here is to shop around in-person or online classes in your interest areas.

If you have no interest areas because your work is your only interest, then look for groups that are about being more productive at work or groups for entrepreneurs. 

Go to two or three meetings with each group and decide if you feel ultimately good after going or, ultimately, worse.

If the sum of at least three sessions is worse, then on to the next one. Eventually, you will find a few folks that make you laugh or have similar thought patterns to you, that you’ll start to feel connected again. 

And from connection comes hope, joy, and inspiration. All you are looking for is a little feeling of connection you can build on to get that feeling of joy back into your heart. 

5. Aromatherapy to keep your new emotional set-points going

If you have been through any trauma or hardship, you already know how easy it is to fall back into the memories of the past and the feelings of how it could all happen again. 

See this content in the original post

As you are working on holding your thoughts in a more optimistic state, know that fragrance, which is sensed by one of the oldest parts of the brain, activates memory. When you are continually working with aromas that enable good feelings, it can amplify good feeling memories and how well we remember them. 

This can cement into your experience new emotions that are positive, uplifting, and motivational, and strengthen those thought patterns in your brain. 

Meaning with all these practices, plus working with aromatherapy, the feelings of disappointment can be a thing of the past. 

In my own personal example, my father’s family were affected by WWII. As children, we were often reminded of what took place and what you could do to survive, just as helpful tips.

Also, my father died relatively young, leaving my mother and siblings a little earlier than we felt prepared. All this kept my emotional set point growing up, a little more focused on the past than inspired into the future.

Now, as an adult, I’m incredibly grateful for my attitude of gratitude towards things like heat, food in the fridge, and being dry.

However, I also have to be watchful of falling back into thinking about things that could be or where things could go if we aren’t careful. 

To keep my emotional set point higher, and out of the realm of scarcity with an emphasis on scared, I enjoy essential oils for shifting and holding my thoughts in a more positive state. 

See this content in the original post

Disappointed? How To Overcome Disappointment. Photo of warm toned mountain range by oimheidi - 5 Ways To Let Go Of Disappointments and Move On -

So to recap, to move from disappointment to inspiration

  • Take some time to read or listen to inspiring works of writing or speaking.

  • Get some nutritious food in your belly, this doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg.

  • Update your style just a little, you can do this at a thrift store or by trading with people you love.

  • Find new inspirational groups to hang out with.

  • Consider aromatherapy to hold a set point for your new mood.

If you’ve ever felt disappointed, know that it’s natural to feel sad with life experiences.

Still, this feeling can also be a great motivator to go within, revamp your immediate inner and outer environment, so that you can eventually step out and attract new experiences and people that will help you feel more hope, inspiration, and love. 

To transcend disappointment, I encourage these how-to's, of course, but also opening up and surrendering to the process of life, meditating, and following the guidance you receive. 

As you ask for help from the Universe, just as you did when you found this article, the guidance comes, generally in a slow trickle. And as you observe, the signs that you’re on the right path do reveal themselves to you. 

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