Amanda Linette Meder

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22 Short Gratitude Affirmations

Image of brightly colored flowers by Peace,love,happiness from Pixabay

Gratitude is a state of feeling pleased, content and happy with your life experience. 

You can experience a state of gratitude by thinking thoughts about what makes you happy, what you appreciate and what brings you pleasure. 

One way to cultivate gratitude is by creating a gratitude list every morning. 

By creating a gratitude list, you spend a short time every day, ideally in the morning to set the tone for the day, writing down what you like about your current experience.

Overtime, by writing down what you appreciate about your experience in a list, you develop an inner dialog and knowledge of what makes you feel gratitude, pleasure and contentment.

You now have this knowledge bank of what you specifically appreciate about your life. You can identify it and amplify it by thinking about those things, and attracting more of them through your energetic state of being.

Your energetic state of being is a message you communicate to others, the Universe, without words.

It is always communicating for you what your vibration is and what you are holding in your energy field. 

So if you are holding ideas about what you appreciate, others can identify this on a soul level, through their vibrational state, and they become attracted to it. In turn you attract other beings, objects or ideas who are holding similar vibrational ideas in their field.

That is the one way to cultivate a state of gratitude. 

A second way to bring in the energy of gratitude and appreciation is by repeating gratitude affirmations. 

Affirmations stoke the energy in your thoughts for specific feeling-states. Think of affirmations like priming the engine of your thoughts to experience a certain state of being, in this case, gratitude.

So below are a few gratitude affirmations to the Universe you can say, read or think to get into alignment with a state of gratitude and appreciation:

Image of rainbow light by Casey Bridges from Pixabay

  1. I am happy to be awake and conscious right now

  2. I am pleased to be breathing in and out

  3. I am grateful for my current environment that supports me

  4. I appreciate all who have made this current environment possible for me to enjoy

  5. I am happy to have the ability to focus my thoughts to read these words

  6. I am pleased that I have access to the internet

  7. I am grateful that I woke up this beautiful morning

  8. I appreciate my body’s ability to sleep and wake in harmony with what is right for me

  9. I am grateful knowing that I can experience complete love and compassion for myself

  10. I appreciate that I can extend this love and compassion to those who wish to join me in experiencing it

  11. I am grateful that I have time to read and take in these ideas right now

  12. I appreciate learning new things when I read that expand my understanding of life and make me happy

  13. I am grateful with how interesting my life has been so far

  14. I appreciate that I am able to trust my inner being

  15. I am grateful for the loving people I encounter every day

  16. I am grateful for the resources I can access that contribute to my comfort here on Earth

  17. I appreciate my ability to make decisions and change my decisions about what I want in my life at any time

  18. I am grateful I have the choice of including other’s perspectives of me into my life experience or not

  19. I am grateful for my own ability to please myself first every day

  20. I appreciate that I can identify what I like and guide myself toward it

  21. I am grateful for the opportunities I have to pursue what makes me happy

  22. I appreciate identifying what makes me happy and my ability to lean into those experiences

22 Short Gratitude Affirmations image of rainbow light by Casey Bridges from Pixabay

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