Amanda Linette Meder

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How To Meditate Spiritually For Beginners

Photo of the word meditate in letters by Vie Studio on Pexels

You can use meditation as a tool to awaken yourself spiritually and as an opportunity for spiritual growth.

Meditation is both a mental and spiritual thing. All meditations are mental processes (meaning you do them all in your head, no tools required) that are meant to take you to a spiritual place. 

The spiritual place is usually also in your mind, which can move to your body. It’s a shift in your emotion or mood, typically towards a more positive emotion or mood, that may lead to relaxation you can feel in the body.

In meditation, you mentally guide yourself into a place where your mind is calmer and more still, and once your mind is there, your mood usually changes.

This mood change that comes with meditating tends to be more positive. 

It can open you to higher vibration spiritual energies, which can lead toward you receiving spiritual insights, ah-ha moments and spiritual awareness shifts during your meditations. You may even receive a “high,” blissful feeling after performing some meditations.

A few of the benefits of spiritual meditation:

  • Gain a calmer, clearer headspace

  • Receive an increased level of relaxation in the mind and/or body

  • Experience a more positive mood, emotional space and mindset

  • Tap into answers for your spiritual questions

  • Get a break for some quiet time in a busy day

How do you meditate for spiritual guidance?

It all starts with intent. Before you settle in for a meditation, mentally ask to receive spiritual direction on ONE topic in this meditation session.

Below I’m going to guide you through an easy spiritual meditation to receive guidance from your own soul’s wisdom. So please take a few moments to think about one topic you’d like spiritual direction on. 

For what topic to receive spiritual guidance on: sometimes you know immediately and other times, it’s best to prioritize. I suggest focusing on the most important issue related to your overall happiness now.

Guided Spiritual Meditation

Photo of the word meditation over leaf by Vie Studio on Pexels

Take three deep breaths in and out, roll your shoulders back and down, rest your gaze and place your feet at about hip-width apart.

Visualize a stream of lavender light spiraling down from the clouds above and watch it wrap around your head, shoulders, chest, torso, hips, legs and feet. Imagine this lavender light encasing you in a cloud of peaceful, calm energy. Sense the lavender light permeating into your skin, bones and bodily systems.

Inhale and exhale.

Inhale and exhale.

Inhale and exhale.

Bring your attention to your Third Eye energy center, the space between your eyebrows. Imagine it is now glowing with a deep violet ring of light. Sense this deep violet light pulsing and growing bigger.

Visualize this deep violet light is now becoming a beam of light that spills down into your head space, down your neck, down into your heart, down into your belly and begins to pool at your pelvic floor. Take a few moments to breathe in this rich, purple light. Watch as it fills your torso.

Now bring your attention to your heart space and imagine your heart surrounded by this supportive purple light. 

Internally, ask the question you’d like spiritual guidance on. Notice any thoughts or words that come to you, any images you see or feelings you receive. Keep in mind the answer may come during or shortly after your meditation session.

Take a moment to bow your head to your higher self and thank your higher self for the guidance.

Photo of word Namaste and Buddha in circle by Mikhail Nilov on Pexels

Your guided meditation for spiritual guidance is now complete.

If you have another topic you would like guidance on, bookmark this page, by using the Grow widget in the lower right corner or save it to your browser, and come back to this topic tomorrow using the above meditation.

Is it better to meditate with or without sound?

They’re both equally appropriate options. Sound can have its place in meditation.

Certain sound waves can bring your body into a state of rest so you can mentally calm the mind for meditation. In other words, some sounds “prime” you for meditation. Some sound frequencies can also enhance the positive feelings of relaxation you get from calming the mind through meditation.

However, sound can be distracting to some and some are distracted by listening to songs with lyrics while meditating.

If you want to meditate with sound, consider listening to instrumental music as you meditate. A great place to start looking for music to meditate to is the Meditative Mind on YouTube.

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How To Meditate Spiritually For Beginners over green and orange colors

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