Amanda Linette Meder

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4 Tips To Improve Your Energy Boundaries

Image of red galaxy streak across night sky by WikiImages from Pixabay

Updated 2022.01.26

Energetic, or spiritual boundaries, refer to an invisible forcefield around you, known as your aura, that stays intact and is respected by anyone who comes into contact with it. 

In an ideal world, the modern human is aware of when they enter the energetic field of another person. 

When you enter another person's energetic field, you can pick up on their perfume, their feelings, or even their thoughts.

In today's world, where spaces have often been overcrowded, it has been normalized to shrink or share an energetic buffer with another person. 

One person's aura can influence another's, kind of like the process of osmosis, and this can happen even when two people are at a distance from each other if they have become entangled emotionally for any reason.

Energy sharing is common in romantic relationships, familial relationships, and friend relationships, and it's often encouraged and even wanted in new bonds because merging with another person energetically and even spiritually is what helps to build relationships.

Even though merging with other's energy is common for bonding, each of us has a home zone energy field that we are born with.

This is often known as our soul color, our birth aura, or even our birth chart.

It's an encoded energy field that is crystal clear and filled with beautiful glowing colors and nuances unique to each of us. Looking into most people's energy fields, you are looking at the most beautiful rainbow you've ever seen. 

In an energy clearing session, though, this is different.

If someone hasn't cleared their aura in a while, the aura can be filled with bits and bobs of energy that doesn't belong to them.

In essence, these bits and bobs are often remnants of other people's energy that we picked up throughout the day when we were merging with them

Sometimes, this happens unknowingly. At the grocery store, someone gets too close or in line at customer service, someone projects their energy onto you, and it sticks. 

Most of us know intuitively when our boundaries are breached. 

When a person has too much foreign energy in their field, two things happen:

  • They can often feel the intrusions like a hair on the back of their sweater and may feel irritable until it's released

  • They can take on the characteristics and behave in the manner of the energy they've picked up, making them act and appear differently to those who know them

By improving your energetic boundaries, as we'll talk about below, you'll not only have time to clear the energy we naturally pick up as we move throughout the day, but also, you'll likely feel better because the feel of intrusions is often uncomfortable.

This will give you time to return to a state of authentic you, where you’ll feel a little freer, and therefore your soul's body feels more relaxed.

Better spiritual boundaries create a happier world for you first, then it extends to others around you, and because of this, it's often a topic covered in readings as one way to build a path to a better life.

We all deserve to exist in our highest soul state, and once you learn how to do it, you can teach it to others, while still having and maintaining meaningful relationships.

So below, I'll go over four of the easiest ways you can boost your energy buffer, your spiritual boundaries.

From here, you'll feel better and improve your ability to exist in a clear and total you state.

Image of green star chain diving the night sky by Pexels from Pixabay

#1 Monitor Your Electronics Time

Screens and electronics are inward energy flows. As we align our energy field to them, we take anything they project. 

This goes to the words we read on the screens, to the images we see and to the sounds we hear through them. Each piece of energy we take in can lodge in our energy field, and come into our aura. 

Putting boundaries on your computer time gives your energy field a chance to recharge and cleanse itself, allowing your soul to boost itself back up and refresh itself after a day of incoming flows. 

For computers and screens, give yourself a minimum of one hour off-time a couple of times day, if possible.

This allows your energy field to refill back up with its own energy, and cleanse out anything you've absorbed, naturally rebuffering your energy boundaries.

#2 Open Messages When You Can Reply

Whenever you open a message, such as an email, a text, or a voicemail, you open a stream of energy cords right into your energetic system.

Think of your energy field as a Plasma Electricity Ball and any word, letter, or email as a new loose energy link attempting to attach to one of those free energy chains.

The process of continual link making gives the energy field no time to recharge.

Take a chunk of time and reply to new links all at once, and then close them down. Next time you are capable, reply to the future stream of links. 

By opening messages, and leaving them on no reply - whether this is emails, text messages, or voice messages, it allows an open floating ball of untethered spiritual energy in your space and to some, this is palpable. 

If you have incoming letters, messages, and texts you can't respond to, see if you can disconnect them or reroute them elsewhere. 

Taking yourself off mailing lists, even if you have to do it manually, and chunking your handling of incoming messages will help your energy boundaries stay intact and whole.

#3 Tap Into The Golden Energy 

Golden light is the pinnacle light used by energy professionals in many traditions to wrap and seal an energy field after energy work is complete.

I've used it in many guided meditations, and Anni Sennov has written an entire book about it. 

You, too, can use it to seal your energy field and create energetic boundaries. 

Here's how to use the golden energy:

Imagine a seed of golden light in your low belly, much like a flame, and as you breathe, this flame grows brighter and brighter until it appears to fill your whole body. 

Now watch as this flame spirals off and wraps around your body, glittering and gold until you are surrounded at least one foot out from you in glowing golden clairvoyant light. 

All this happens in your imagination, but it feels good once done. 

Try this technique when you are walking out and about amongst others and start to feel like you might absorb their energy or when someone you are with begins talking negatively. 

It spiritually buffers you from going into the negative energy with them and keeps your energy field stable, so you are less affected by what they say and more able to pull them out if they go too far.

I discuss another version of this technique in this post for children if you're interested in more.

#4 Focus On Yourself

As much as you want to influence, you can't control everyone's responses, actions, and behaviors around you. 

Focusing on what others are doing too much of the day will take your energy field and place it in or over top of their energy field. In mediumship, this is called channeling another spirit's energy. 

Other people have their own Spirit Guides and Angels and were also born with higher selves and emotional guidance systems. 

Though we have come onto Earth to assist our Earthmates and guide them, the best way to do this sometimes is by focusing on your energy field wellbeing and maintenance. 

When placing yourself in another person's shoes, if they are suffering, you will enter their experience, and the nature of it means you lose your energy autonomy. 

Your spiritual boundaries become their spiritual boundaries.

Because we are affected, and in union with the energy fields around us, we interact with others daily as waves. It sometimes feels impossible not to step into another persons' area as it meshes with yours, but know you can always step out. 

If you do channel energy or step into another energy field, I highly recommend stepping into the power of the solution rather than the problem.

You can do this by asking, what can I do now to take one step to solve this situation for me? 

From here, you can become a better you in Spirit, and others may observe and follow and make a choice to change themselves. 

One way you can know if you are in someone else's field is if you are thinking about them or a situation involving them comes to mind. 

When this happens, simply call your mind back to the now and ask your Spirit self to stay with you in the present moment. 

This takes practice, but over time, it can be done. 

Need help coming back to the now?

In The Member Center, there is a Call Back Your Energy Meditation to assist with this. I also recommend how in this article: How To Cut Cords With Someone Quickly.

Boost your energy levels by setting spiritual self-care boundaries. 4 Tips To Improve Your Energy Boundaries. Image of red galaxy streak across night sky by WikiImages from Pixabay text overlay of title.

What are the signs you've lost your energy boundaries and could use a few of the above techniques?

You feel irritable with others. 

Your self-care routine has decreased from what it was two weeks ago or even ten days ago. 

You could use more energy. You feel angry when you wake up in the morning. You are continually talking about things that anger you. 

You've suddenly said something that doesn't sound like you on a topic you've thought a lot about, meaning, you've merged with another field and are now projecting that energy.

These are all signs you are living in alignment with energy that is not yours, and other people's energy could now get cleared from your space. If this happens, have forgiveness, it happens to all of us, we are mutable permeable beings by nature.

When absorbing different energies, know because we don't generate them, they are not self-energizing and can become stagnant. So releasing them can contribute to an overall improved lift in your spiritual wellbeing. 

After trying any of the above, signs your boundaries are in place are

  • You might feel happier and refreshed

  • You may feel like you have more freedom and can exhale

  • Your sense of humor may return

  • You can enjoy an activity, sense and explore more of your soul’s needs

When a person is entirely in their energy boundaries, and at home in their aura, they are friendly, jovial, and loving.

They reflect their highest self.

For this reason, spiritual and energetic boundaries are an essential part of wellness care. 

When you implement them, you may often feel happier, more yourself, and from there, you can give more of your authentic you to those around you.

It is only from this place that you can best serve the world and fulfill the highest manifestation of your purpose here on Earth. 

To recap, four ways you can improve your spiritual boundaries are

  1. Monitoring your electronics time

  2. Chunk your incoming letters and energy pings

  3. Tap into the Golden Energy

  4. Focus on your energy field for a time or channel the energy of the solution

In this blog, the terms spiritual and energetic boundaries are used interchangeably. Having them, reinforcing them, and boosting them is a common topic among empaths for a reason, they work.

Give a try to a few of the tips above and see how things shift for you.

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