Amanda Linette Meder

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3 Ways To Cultivate Good Vibes Only During The Work Day

Photo of pen by pot near color print copy by Chimene Gaspar from Pexels

Updated 2022.01.25

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As workplace changes have shifted some this year, we are thinking about how to spread positive energy at work. 

If you're wondering how to have good vibes at work, too, you're in luck, because in this post, we discuss.

When working for a purpose, a paycheck, or both, going into it with a positive attitude can help. 

The law of attraction shows what we think about, we attract, and the mood in which we do anything can have a substantial impact on the productivity of organizations. 

Your vibrational mood can also influence your happiness and the happiness of those around you. 

The happier people are, the better a job they typically do, as when people are radiating light, they tend to always do their best. 

Even if where you work is an organization currently consisting of a body of only you, you may want to see growth. When thinking about growth, typically, the growth you want to see is positive. 

Positive numbers, positive people, and positive vibes are all forms of positive growth available to any organization. 

Working in an environment that has positive vibes can provide increases in productivity, in paychecks, and in your overall satisfaction. 

It can make the work feel more meaningful, which can create a higher loyalty to your job and to your coworkers, which can help build positive relationships. 

Relationships are the means through which all soul evolution tends to occur. So meaningful relationships are typically a sign all people are getting the most out of their life experience.

This also leads to happiness and happier people. Happier people shine their light the best.

Chances are if you are reading this, you have goals in life. While you meet them, you know it's essential to enjoy the journey of reaching them, because that's all we can ever do - enjoy the trip. 

As once you reach those goals, the journey just continues, so you may as well make it joyful if you can.

So below, I'm going to go over three ways you can increase good vibes while in the workplace.

Positive vibes at work allow you to enjoy the journey and pursue your purpose while helping others do the same. And generally, positive vibes while pursuing your goal leads to growth on many levels. 

3 Ways To Create Good Vibes Only At Work

Photo of gray wooden ladder leaning on wall with fuzzy rug on the floor by Element5 Digital from Pexels

1. Choose a vibrational set-point each morning to hold your mood

Read a passage from a positive book, an inspirational oracle deck with positive messages or even a digital card reading application before you go in. My current favorite is from Diana Cooper

Use the passage you choose to hold a mood set-point for the day. 

Once you have your set-point for the day, continue. Go back to it periodically, or when you take breaks, reminding yourself of the positive positioning, you are holding for the day. 

Challenge yourself to hold it, no matter how many external distractions come your way. 

Over time, your set-point will radiate from you and rub off on those around you, creating a positive forcefield. 

Also, it attracts other energy fields where your set-point is both needed and appreciated. Meaning, attracting new coworkers, or even attracting new promotions. 

2. Use essential oils to hold your mood to a positive vibration

See this content in the original post

Any tree fragrance can hold your mood as high as the tree grows, so keep sniffing until you have to find the right ones for you. 

Think of the mood that a Christmas Tree puts you in. This is similar to what a pine fragrance can do for some souls. Reapply on your breaks, if possible. 

3. Try working with crystals

You can work with Crystals, especially those known as energy amplifiers, like Quartz, to lift your mood because they have an electric charge. 

These subtle electric charges may enhance your vibration. They may increase your mood, especially when they are worn directly on the skin. 

To work with a crystal for positive vibes, carry one with you at work. I recommend a small carryable sized stone with a high quartz content - clear Quartz, Rose Quartz, and many agates. 

Some people like to use stones with high metallic content, such as metal ores, like copper. 

High copper count stones include even blue and green crystals such as Malachite and Azurite, which are heavy for their size. Hematite is high iron, and Chrysoprase is high nickel.

These carry a charge, and they can buffer your energy acting as energy protection too. So you are more able to hold your positive vibrations no matter who or what situation comes your way. 

These crystal charges can feed into your energy system and give you a boost when you need one.

Three tips for a more mindful desk and work space. Create positive energy at work or in the office. Photo of pen by pot near color print copy by Chimene Gaspar from Pexels. 3 Ways To Cultivate Good Vibes Only During The Work Day.

So to recap, to cultivate good vibes at work

  • Try an inspirational card or book passage as your constant throughout the day, coming back to its messages frequently.

  • Try essential oils to boost the mood. Reapply them during your breaks, rub them on the tips of your hair, or wear diffuser jewelry. If essential oils are prohibited in your workplace, apply the essential oils after you wind down for the day on your time off, as you regenerate your energy for the next day. 

  • Try Crystals with a high quartz amount. Any type of Quartz or crystal with metallic ore should have enough of an energy vibration, which may enhance your mood. 

Crystals are also pretty to look at, which tends to create smiles. They can also be conversation starters so they may open up bonding with those around you.

To end, these are just a few tools you can use to hold your mindset and boost your mood towards positive vibes while at work. 

The more positive energy you radiate while you pursue your purpose in the workplace, the more others notice, and your positivity put-in is amplified. 

Meaning, the more likely you are to feel satisfied with the work you put in every day of your journey, leading only to more positivity along the way.

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