Amanda Linette Meder

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Seeing Images Of People You've Never Met In Meditation

Photo of rose quartz point on white striped natural background by Erin Profaci from Pexels

Updated 2021.12.28

Seen a Spirit? Witnessing things happening around you?

Can you sense energy, pressure change, temperature change, people's moods, or project your feelings throughout a room?

Get images of people you've never met before, almost like a daydream?

It's possible to see scenes involving faceless people in dreams, and there are a few spiritual reasons it can happen.

In this post, we'll discuss why this happens and the possible purpose of it.

To start, in general, faces can appear in meditation as Spirit Guides, and when you daydream, you are also open to clairvoyance. 

Once in clairvoyance, Spirit can

  • Introduce souls communicating on the ethers

  • Show you past lives

  • Demonstrate alternate perceptions of your experience

When you see images in your mind's eye of Spirits or people, this may be a clairvoyant vision, which is easily accessed when the mind is in an open state, such as daydream or meditation.

Clairvoyant visions can include full scenes complete with clairaudience.

They can come in mediumistically or psychically, and below, we discuss both - 

Photo of Tibetan Singing Bowl by Free To Use Sounds on Unsplash

Spiritual reason for seeing people in meditation

When people receive visions of people who have passed that they don't know, many people's first thought is to do the research to identify the Spirit.

You may go through newspaper articles, call in other mediums, even wind up at the historical society. 

Some Spirits will show themselves to be identified.

Some Spirits want to be known, especially if they feel their story has yet to be told.

These Spirits will often find the nearest open and most loving channel and attempt to communicate with the closest loving medium to:

  • Deliver messages to the community or the family affected

  • Be released from the earth plane

  • Say hello

This happens with passed famous persons, persons who introduced major theories or changes to their field of study, spirits who passed hundreds of years ago, or even Spirits of the land nearby.

The deceased look for closure. Known as Earthbound Spirits, to get this closure, some want recognition, a funeral, empathy, or to deliver a message. 

Once their story is discovered, their message delivered, their wish fulfilled, for example, they get someone to help cross-them over, they typically ascend. 

It could also be new Spirit Guides coming in or a soul fragment wanting to be welcomed.

Psychic Reason For Seeing People In Meditation

The psychic highway is a stream of consciousness that runs around the globe, which we can all tap into and get information from. 

Tuning in to the psychic highway, you can get a ton of insights, you can run into energies, you can shift from one frequency to another.

The faces of Spirits, deceased or otherwise, can also appear on the psychic highway, the ether of light that surrounds the globe. 

When you meditate, your mind and heart expands, allowing you to tap into the expanded energies around you, and this energy can then be translated into images that come from the psychic highway.

When getting onto the psychic highway unintentionally, know it's like scanning the radio idly. 

Like passing clouds, some of it is just best to observe and let go and dance on its own. 

Having Spirits appear to you could be a sign you've expanded your energy field, and here you can tap into past lives, alternate perceptions of your experience, or even with those in your soul group. 

Spiritual & Psychic Reasons for Seeing People You’ve Not Yet Met In Meditation. Spirit Guides, members of your Soul Group and Spirits of the Land can all appear in meditation. Photo of rose quartz point on white striped natural background by Erin Profaci from Pexels with text overlay - Seeing People You’ve Never Met In Meditation

to recap, seeing people in meditation could be mean

  • Spirits, perhaps Spirit Guides

  • Soul energy from your expanded states you're picking up on

  • Alternate storylines in the expanded energy field

Either way, seeing people in meditation tends to also signal you may be clairvoyant.

How you tune in, when and on to what station can often be managed by honing in your gifts. 

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