Amanda Linette Meder

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19 Self Love Affirmations

Photo of pink flowers by catrina farrell on Unsplash

Self love affirmations are a tool you can use to boost optimism, confidence, and enthusiasm for yourself and the gifts you have, and that you share and will continue to share with the world.

Affirmations themselves are verbal statements you say to yourself, externally or internally, that validate and reflect certain truths. 

They are like mantras or prayers in that you can repeat them.

At the core, they are all based on seed sounds designed to radiate good-feeling energy in your soul and out into the infinite space around you. 

Affirmations work by:

  • Providing an internal tape to focus on

  • Centering the mind and providing thought-direction

  • Guiding your words and actions in any direction you want them to go

If you are a student of the law of attraction, these self love affirmations work by amplifying your energy in love, so you can expect to receive more love, the more you do them. 

This will then create a feedback loop when you feel self love even on days when you’ve done not a drop of affirmation.

The goal after that is noticing when you feel love coming to you and from where, and following these leads to help more love blossom in your life.

With self love affirmations, the goal is that by repeating them, you promote love for the self, which you then have available to give to anyone you pass. 

Since one of the main goals in life is love-seeking, becoming a beacon of love, repeating self love affirmations can feel soul-fulfilling and spiritually satisfying.

Here are a few of my favorites:

Vertical photo of pink and yellow flowers by Bud Jenkins from Pexels

1 - I deserve to be happy

2 - I did my best to love myself so far today

3 - I am always receiving the answers I need on my path

4 - I am open to love coming in from the Universe around me today

5 - I love my ability to persevere through challenges

6 - I appreciate my body's ability to keep blood flowing

7 - I appreciate the color of my eyes and skin

8 - I love that it is easy for me to spot the silver lining in any situation

9 - I am helpful to others in just the right way

10 - I am always learning new things

11 - I am providing safety to myself today

12 - I love my ability to soak up the knowledge and insight around me

13 - I'm a smart person with a worthy place in this world

14 - I have something to offer everyone I meet

15 - I speak lovingly to those around me

16 - I am safe where I am right now

17 - I am cared for and protected by me

18 - I am free to honor myself first today

19 - I acknowledge the loving acts I do for others

Now try it, scroll back up above, and choose one to say to yourself ten times. Notice how you feel. If you feel better than before, the good news is that it's worked to boost your emotional love quota and a sign to keep going.

Vertical photo of pink and yellow flowers by Bud Jenkins from Pexels with text overlay 19 Self Love Affirmations

When do you say affirmations?

The best times to repeat affirmations are in the morning or at night, when you set an intention for the day or attempt to return to or amplify a good feeling place after a long day.

For this reason, some people like placing affirmations on their bathroom mirror, nightstand, or at their desk using sticky notes. 

Reading the affirmation in a normal morning or evening spot automatically, it becomes a part of your practice.

How many affirmations can you use at a time?

I recommend working with up to three short affirmations at a time. 

Some people like creating a long list that they read in sequence as a "rampage" of good thoughts to charge up their energy. 

Try either method and see which you like best. I usually have 1-3 affirmations at my workstation at a given time.

Affirmations are a great way to promote positive thinking, boost your emotional state, and increase your energy, boosting your attraction potential. Meaning, repeating certain statements can help you attract certain things in the physical. 

By saying self love affirmations, you may find yourself with more loving relationships or with more love in your life over time.

If you are waiting for permission to begin an affirmation practice, here it is: you can say nice things to yourself. 

You are allowed to say kind things to your soul. 

You can learn the types of words your soul longs to hear and feed them to yourself. 

For this reason, self love affirmations both feel good and are fun to recite.

Now for an affirmation challenge!

Pay attention to which affirmations above give you a smile or your heart butterflies. Choose these 1-3 to stick with repeating, at least once a day, for an entire month.

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