Amanda Linette Meder

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Suicide, A Spiritual Perspective

Photo of misty tree in morning field by Hervé Lagrange from Pixabay

The first time I posted about this topic was in 2015

I wrote about it publicly because in many of the mediumship readings I was doing at the time, those who passed away via suicide were coming through to apologize and share their experience with still living loved ones.

Most of these messages delivered focused around three main topics:

  • I am so sorry

  • I wish I hadn’t done it

  • I never meant to cause you suffering

I’ve never had someone come through and say they’re glad they did it. 

These readings also revealed things deceased loved ones experience after they transition to Spirit when passing through suicide, such as:

  • They may linger around Earth for a bit before crossing into the Light

  • There is no punishment, there is only rest

  • Sometimes they go on to help others in Spirit

I wrote this post, linked above, in case anyone had a relative pass through suicide and didn’t have the means for a reading. They could read this post and learn what I learned, and have comfort. My philosophy was that if the information could help one person, it was worth it to share this information.

I’m speaking on this topic again as some readers are interested in hearing my thoughts on this matter.

So without further ado, here’s a few more spiritual perspectives on this topic:

Photo of orange clouds in sunrise by Corinna Stoeffl from Pixabay

If you are grieving something or your life is going through massive changes, a permanent solution to a temporary circumstance is not the answer.

Angels, Spirit Guides and Ancestors have all come through in my readings to say that it’s important to carry on until you find joy again.

All circumstances in life are temporary, both the good and bad. Even some of the circumstances that feel bad when you are going through them, have positive outcomes in the end.

For example, some negative experiences also help you become a light for others in the future when they are going through the same thing, which is a common message shared in readings from loved ones.

If you are contemplating suicide, deceased loved ones and Angels have come forward in readings to say whatever is happening, whatever you experienced, you are lovable and worthy of happiness and that the most important thing you can do in life is to seek happiness now.

The first step in happiness is having hope. Please check out the blog: 10 Ways To Have Hope When It Feels Like There Is None to get back to the place of positive expectation. It’s there if you need it.

Positive expectation and hope are similar in they are both emotions which enable you to feel like good things are still to come - that things worth living for are out there.

The Spirit World also believes, this is usually Ancestors and Angels that speak to this, there is a pocket of joy out there for each, and the commitment to finding it is often what brings people away from considering voluntarily leaving this Earth.

Second, others still love other people, especially people with a past - because we all have a past. A past can be endearing and non-threatening. 

If you have a past, I can be safe with you, because I have a past, is usually the reasoning there. This message has come through more than once.

Next, when suicide is mentally considered, spiritually, it looks like a lot of thick, negative energy around a person’s body, like a heavy mist, in readings. 

Sometimes this heavy psychic mist is due to the thoughts or emotions someone is experiencing. Sometimes it is due to the thoughts and emotions projected onto that person from elsewhere.

In both situations, these negative thoughts not being cleared or lifted can lead to a downward spiral.

Photo of white petaled flowers on sunnay day by Guillaume Hankenne from Pexels

The Dalai Lama is right when he has said thoughts and emotions can disrupt inner peace. We can often withstand physical discomfort when mentally we are at peace.

It doesn’t matter where the thoughts came from or why they formed, but they do need to be lifted to get to inner peace, which is the upward spiral.

Thankfully you can lift this energy cloud of thoughts and emotion and return to inner peace, sometimes quite easily.

In readings, a solution that has been given to thoughts which can lead to suicide is sometimes saying a few positive affirmations to get your mind going in another, more positive direction.

The Spirit World usually also suggests some form of “focusing on joy” activity unique to that person - it could be having a cup of tea, listening to positive music or even getting a breath of fresh air.

A third solution the Spirit World has given for these heavy thoughts is to just not worry about having a master plan right now. Just focus on the next right thing. Then the next. And then the next. Maybe the next right thing to do is to have a snack, maybe it’s to stretch, maybe it’s the laundry. Whatever it is, just one step forward at a time.

Finally, from a spiritual perspective, every reading I have given where suicide has come up, the Spirit World does not advise it because it expands suffering, it doesn’t minimize it.

Every person that leaves this Earth voluntarily, is forgiven by the Spirit World; however, great suffering is left in their wake by friends and family. 

This is the primary reason why many who have come through in mediumship readings wish they had chosen to stay. If you think you don’t have friends and family who might suffer, think again - one life touches many.

Alright, so these are some things I have learned about suicide while delivering spiritual readings to both those perhaps considering it and from those who have done it on the Other Side.

May this bring you or someone you love peace,


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Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor. I am also not a psychiatrist or psychologist. I am a spiritual medium. This post represents information that has been shared by Spirit in readings I have given over the years, highlighting common themes I have observed, while keeping client identity anonymous.