Amanda Linette Meder

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3 Shamanic Cord Cutting Rituals

Photo of burgundy fiber optic cables with glow lights inside by Daniel Dino-Slofer from Pixabay

Updated 2022.04.27

Wondering how to cut cords with someone and release emotional attachments? In this post, we discuss spiritual, sometimes called energetic, cord-cutting as a shamanic practice - 

A Shamanic Ritual is any mediumship technique designed to work with energy, Spirit, and a conduit, to rebalance a person, group, or area of land’s energy field.

Shamanic energy is a form of mediumship energy that is intended to energetically heal, and flows through the crown, through the heart, and then out through the hand chakras. Meaning you become the conduit.

Once you get this energy flowing through your body, you can then direct this shamanic healing energy to yourself or others with permission to perform a wide array of spiritual techniques.

Cord-cutting is a spiritual action in which you disconnect yourself from the old, stagnant cords of others - energy attachments in the past, and the body is ready to purge.

A Shamanic Ritual is also any spiritual or energetic technique that involves an opening and a closing ceremony and balancing the energy body.

One of the techniques you can do while using shamanic energy is cord-cutting. It opens and releases energy, and is best done in a ritual format - with intention setting, and closing remarks.

Etheric cord-cutting using shamanic energy techniques can help us move forward into the future and focus on the present moment. It can also promote a cleaner energy field, which may heighten intuitive receptions.

Think of cord-cutting like cutting off a hair’s split ends or ending a phone call. It doesn’t always end an energetic connection between you and another. Still, it does close the link, so a new one can open on either side.

Use cord-cutting as a shamanic ritual, meaning you include an opening and closing practice as part of it, any time you:

Photo of yellow skein of yarn by Karen Laårk Boshoff from Pexels

  • Keep thinking about that thing or person

  • Are giving to that thing or person with little return

  • Feel drawn to a person or thing compulsively

  • Keep drifting off to visualizing that person or thing while focusing on something else

  • Need to focus on the present moment, and the past or the future is interrupting you

You only want to cut energy cords when any of the above feels unwanted, or your energy is going in one direction, and you’d prefer it go elsewhere. 

When to use cord-cutting

I always use cord-cutting whenever I have just shared an emotional and empathic connection with someone, regardless of how it felt, and I need to now focus on another task or shift my attention elsewhere. 

Other people use cord-cutting as a practice at the end of every day, right before bed. 

When you cut the cord energetically between you and another, the benefits are reducing the amount of incoming psychic energy your energy field is receiving, allowing your intuition scanners to phase down and go within right before resting. 

So anytime you want to focus your energy and go within is a great time to practice cord-cutting techniques using shamanic healing light.

Below, are three energy rituals you can use to cut spiritual cords - 

To get started, begin with any initial intention setting you like, even lighting a candle, a stick of Palo Santo, or saying a prayer.

3 Shamanic Cord Cutting Rituals

Spiritual Cord Cutting Tips Inside - Photo of burgundy fiber optic cables with glow lights inside by Daniel Dino-Slofer from Pixabay with text overlay 3 Shamanic Cord Cutting Rituals

#1 Visualize all the cords coming back to you

Often when a person wants to cut energy cords, they are thinking of themselves in relationship to someone or something else.

For this exercise, visualize you calling your golden light back from the thing you are cutting cords from. 

Visualize all these golden threads entering your core. 

When you feel complete, do one external empowering thing to seal the energy - for example, a set of twenty at-home exercises, or pausing and going to get a nourishing snack, anything that adds energy to the body or spirit.

#2 Intuitively ask the holder of the cord to let go

Center your energy field and visualize where you feel the most energetic cord is coming from.

Ask this source, with claircognizant or clairaudient inner thought, to release this cord from you, watch it be let go and come back to you. Some people like to imagine a golden energy scissor cutting here and the cord on your end coiling back to you.

Do something nourishing to seal the energy after seeing the cord entirely return to you clairvoyantly, like visualizing a light ball surrounding your energy field.

If you are doing this technique for a client, ask your Spirit or Guides for one nourishing thing your client can do. 

Visualizing light around your body or charging the energy field in other ways, through rest for example, holds the power in your space.

It encourages a strong energy field, which can prevent weak potential energy attachments from affecting you. For example, gossip is a weak attachment, still some clairsentient psychic people can feel it, but with a strong auric body, it’s outside your bubble.

#3 Blue Grid Visualization

This seals your energy field in healing light.

Imagine a blue electric field cage glowing around you. 

Visualize any old links or dangling cords, in the blue light, twisting or dropping from the energy field. I sometimes visualize old branches breaking and ask my guides to show me the cords that twist and coil off naturally. 

Imagine the old cord pieces breaking off, and washing away at your feet, back to the nearest waterway. Then, visualize a glowing blue light grid across your energy field until you feel clear.

When done with both of these, visualize a golden light in your core, your Solar Plexus. Bow to yourself, or your guides, and thank them or offer gratitude for the energy you used to visualize, sense or think through these shamanic energy exercises. 

Imagine your palm chakras glowing golden light, imagine your heart shining golden light.

Photo of fuschia-blue light swoosh by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay

How to know the energy work of cord-cutting is complete

Your energy will feel more balanced and at peace. You may feel more able to focus on a project than before. You may notice yourself with “content” feelings, the baseline energy state of most soul bodies on this earth.

Suppose you continue to cord cut a person or project, and the energy is persistently popping back up in your mind’s eye. In that case, you could have a karmic relationship with this person or situation, read on -

For longer-lasting results with cord-cutting

Try repeating the above for up to 21-days to notice a full effect or try a few more cord-cutting techniques here: How To Energetically Cut Cords - 3 Easy Steps To Spiritually Cutting Cords.

It may also enhance your results to try cord-cutting in and around a full moon, a time of release, or around a new moon, for setting new intentions.

Usually, energy entanglements, like cords, sort themselves out with continued intent, more in-depth energy work, or when doing energy boundary work. 

Once you cord cut, the other person or situation connected may feel it. It may pop up in your energy field for a day or so. Give the energy about three days to resettle and be well after trying any cord-cutting technique yourself or before repeating the above methods. 

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