Amanda Linette Meder

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10 Ways To Have Hope When It Feels Like There Is None

Photo of lantern glowing on top of table by Ahmed Aqtai from Pexels

When you feel like there is no hope, or need a little hope in life, or want to explore how to get more hope in life, know this is the human process, and part of this searching is an essential step in the path to happiness.

Hope is an emotion and, some would say, a mindset that is a little like optimism, mixed with a little bit of passion, combined with a touch of wanting to believe in the good things coming.

Diminishing feelings of hope are a natural part of the human growth process. It usually comes with growing out of a present situation or experiencing some sort of loss.

Loss or even perceived loss of an identity, a relationship, a beloved, can create a situation where you may be tempted to give up hope. 

As soon as you notice yourself about to give up hope and realize it's time to snap back into the joy you can feel, consider some of the tips below for how to restore hope when it feels like there is no hope left.

The excellent news about hope is that you can restore the feelings of hope. When you do, it then leads to the experience of other good emotions and mindsets - such as bliss, love, happiness, a sense of purpose, and a sense of direction. 

So when seeking to bring more hope into your emotional or spiritual experience, know it's a positive feedback loop and that can get you more of it.

To get back to a place of hope, here are ten ideas

Photo of many candles burning in dark atmosphere by Maruf Bijoy from Pexels


Surround yourself with colors that give you a smile or promote feelings of peace. Put on a clothing item with that shade, or gaze at a flower that color. 


Try doing one thing differently that day - simply do only one thing another way than the way you have done it in the past. 


Visualize everything around you as an embodiment of love energy (I like to imagine hearts energetically inside everything in the room I am in). Imagine that energy floating into you.


A lot of hopelessness comes from thoughts about money. Think of three positive things you can say about the money you've experienced so far - what it has brought you, what you like about where you are financially now.


Some hopelessness comes from not knowing one's purpose. Think of three times you did something that made someone else smile in the past. The actions that initiated these smiles represent how you give hope to others. When you give others hope, it flows back to you, so take one minute to feel that flowing in.


Step outside and get a fresh inhalation of nature. See if you can stay out there for ten breaths. Wander around. If it is an option for you, take a short walk to stretch your legs, or just do some leg stretches.


Think of yourself as a circuit on an electrical board with organic limbs that can make connections independently. With this in mind, take action to create or complete three connections today in areas of life that give you a smile. Join a group, make a purchase you'd thought about, set aside time for that craft and actually do it, finish a book.


Take one step to honor or uplevel your current level of comfort. Is there anything you could do at this moment to give yourself more comfort?


Congratulate yourself for one positive thing you've done for yourself today that you five years ago wouldn't have done.


Use Pinterest Boards to catalogue your likes. Put together vision boards for hobbies and aesthetics that you enjoy. Set the intent to take a vision or project from one of them, and create it this week.

When you have a sense of hope, know it feels like optimism or like a little boost of energy has come back to you. 

The best part of hope as a feeling is you don't have to explain your sense of hope to anyone. You can just have it. You can just feel it. Feeling hope may also give a sense of clarity of the next steps to take on your path or a feeling of lightness and positivity. 

Above are just a few of the ways you can restore a feeling of hope around where you are in life, where things have gone, and where things may go. 

You can get the light back.

The positive seeds of hope are usually where other positive feelings also spring up, such as a sense of confidence or self-love, so be on the lookout for those as you try the above as well.

I hope you spend a little bit of time each day on some of the above to restore hope and in turn, reach a sense of happiness about the life you deserve.

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Need some hope & inspiration? Photo of lantern glowing on top of table by Ahmed Aqtai from Pexels with text overlay - 10 Ways To Have Hope When It Feels Like There Is None.

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