Amanda Linette Meder

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Why Does Evil Exist?

Image of blue and yellow mandala by Xiao feng Lew from Pixabay

Evil is a concept that goes by many names. Some call it psychic attack. Others call it negative energy, “dark” forces or even demonic possession.

From a spiritual perspective, evil is the intent to do harm to another living being and in this definition you could also call it violence or malice.

Whatever name you use for it, evil is an energy state that exists on the opposite of the spectrum of love. Powered by emotions like hate, anger, blame, shame and depression, evil can be evoked in just about anyone.

Evil usually begins as a negative emotion that you allow to take root, which spurs a certain mindset that leads to evil actions - which are those committed with the intent to inflict harm.

Angels have discussed evil in spiritual readings many times, and they have shown that when it exists around a person or situation, it psychically appears as a dark black and deep red energy mixed in the aura. 

It often looks as though a person or situation is shrouded in a swirl of black and red energy, similar to the way that fog looks on a humid day.

When a person or situation is shrouded in this energy, they may have intense negative thoughts, and may be inspired to become involved (or more involved) in situations that cause harm to themselves or others.

Evil casts a spell over people. You can't always see or sense that you have the energy of evil in your aura. Since it rests in the energy body like a cloak, you personally may be blind to it when influenced by it.

Photo of person in prayer mudra with candle by Thirdman on Pexels 

Is anyone truly evil?

In a spiritual sense, it is possible for a person to be guided towards evil actions on a soul level.

Some people incarnate with a soul contract where they agree to play the villain archetype in the lives of others. This is because the villain archetype can be a powerful motivator that inspires the good in those around them.

However, even those who have soul archetypes of “the villain,” can evolve in their lifetime and choose a different archetype or new path.

Is it possible to be completely evil?

Yes. While the cultural rules of what constitutes evil changes over time, it’s not by much. In general, a person can be shaped to become evil by their circumstances or they can have agreed to a soul contract where their choices appear to be, or actually are, evil in the eyes of others.

Thankfully, in many situations, a person can turn a new leaf, and learn to manage energies that may have guided them towards evil in the past. 

People can become “born again,” “reformed” or a “new person.” Humans can change, especially when removed from environments steeped in energies that promote evil.

Is there pure evil in the world?

No. People do not usually act out of pure evil, but rather, self-preservation and gratification. When self-preservation or gratification harms others, it becomes evil. 

When you look closely, there is usually personally perceived self love or delight involved in the evil act. Sadly, it’s only on the surface, since most forms of evil ultimately create suffering for all, including the evil doer.

How to overcome evil

Image of heart shaped vine with bokeh background by Sanna from

The first step to overcoming evil in the world is to overcome evil in yourself, which is a personal journey. A few steps to begin are below:

1 - Manage your emotions

Become more mindful of the negative feeling emotions that you allow in your mindspace. 

While it is important to acknowledge these feelings as they arise, don’t embody them as your own, just be aware of them as they pass through you, seeing them more as weather than your overall persona.

Our emotions can easily be swayed by the ambient energies, weather and other people around us; they are not permanent or even necessarily “ours.”

2 - Guide your thoughts

Your headspace can be your biggest ally or your worst enemy. Do not let the worst enemy side of you have its way with you. Feed your biggest ally. 

Yes, perhaps do think of yourself as a Gift to the World. You can be successful, happy, and have a good life in the grand scheme of it all.

When you realize a negative thought train happening: stop it, snap yourself out of it and think of 5 things you are happy for in the moment. Life is never 100% perfect but there are glimmers of goodness in every moment.

3 - Avoid immersing yourself in energies that glorify evil

Consider the television shows you watch, the music you listen to and the people you hang out with. Do any of these energy influences regularly glorify and promote harm to others?

See if you can do without feeding your precious, sacred energy field with these malicious streams of energy.

Even if you must immerse yourself in evil energies for personal or professional reasons, keep in mind that any incoming energy can influence yours and subconsciously work its magic on your energy field.

4 - If you work in a field where you must confront evil, be committed to taking total rests

For your continued wellbeing, don’t think about the evil at work at all while you’re resting. Immerse yourself in your favorite hobby, people and activities. Embrace your passions so intensely you forget evil exists in the world, if even for an hour.

If you need to turn off the news, do. If you need to turn off social media, do. If an event happens that you absolutely must know about during that time, someone you love will make sure you become aware right away.

5 - Clear your energy before bedtime

Exercise, do meditation or make a bedtime tea. Set a time to turn off the screens. Diffuse some essential oils or light a candle. Have a ritual that cleanses your energy of the day so you don’t carry any negative energies or moods into your dreams or the next day.

When the emotions and thoughts that evil feeds on build up, this is how we can all become vectors for evil, so you must find a healthy way to release it.

Why does evil exist?

Image of heart shaped red and white balloon release by Peggy und Marco Lachmann-Anke from Pixabay

Evil, as horrible as it is and as much suffering as it causes, can bring out the best in the people. It can inspire you to think of solutions to problems you never had before or problems that already existed, yet no motivating force necessitated a solution.

One major example of evil begetting the good in others is the advancement in medical treatments following WWII. War is where multiple parties engage in evil simultaneously and during that war we got better as a society at learning how to heal the suffering of others. 

The evil of war acted as a catalyst for society’s collective desire for significant and momentous change in the way we care for others. In other words, the evil of WWII inspired us to improve the way we demonstrate love for our fellow humans.

All in all, it is possible for anyone to become involved in emotions, thoughts and actions others would consider evil. Thankfully, it is also generally possible for any soul to make the choice to stop committing evil and walk a higher path.

Through the steps above, you can begin the journey of overcoming evil with yourself and then share what has worked for you with others.

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