Amanda Linette Meder

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10 Benefits Of Attending A Psychic Mediumship Training Program

Photo of person standing under a natural archon a starry night by Pixabay from Pexels

Updated 2020.10.01

When I was opening my abilities, I started mostly by teaching myself and reading many psychic development books about the topic of spiritual opening and awakening.

Though I had gone pretty far on my own - there’s only so much I could teach myself before I could only advance on my path by reaching out - and learning from others and meeting friends on my journey.

After I went as far as I could training and learning solo, I started registering for classes and began admitting to others, even in my own circles, I was doing what I was doing - and I was surprised.  

People started coming out of the woodwork to share with me their spiritual experiences.

In opening up to connecting with Spirit, and in turn, connecting with others. I learned I wasn’t alone and advanced my abilities to communicate with Spirit. That alone was rewarding and so validating on my path. It wasn’t even included in any of the course outlines.

Working with others to develop your gifts in a psychic training program has so many more benefits than this, even if they may not be included in the written curriculum.

Whether you decide to take a distance class, a private mentorship or a group program, below are a few of the benefits of taking a psychic training program that I found rewarding. So if you are debating a registration, read on -

10 Benefits Of Attending A Psychic Mediumship Training Program

1. You Learn How Spirit Uniquely Connects With You

When learning mediumship on your own, you may be learning how Spirit connects, in general, broad-spectrum, with most people.

In a training program, you’ll be able to hone in on your specific way that Spirit and you work together to develop your natural strengths and bring out your secondary and tertiary abilities. We each connect in a very special way with Spirit. A psychic mediumship training program honors this ability, helps you hone it, and teaches you how to maximize it for yourself and others.  

2. You Learn How To Turn Up, Tune-In And Manage Your Abilities

Whether abilities are out of control, or you are receiving information here and there, or if what you are getting comes and goes from Spirit - in a mediumship training program, you’ll learn how to fine-tune and precisely turn that dial to the ‘right’ channel and frequency of connecting with Spirit.

You’ll learn how to position your antennae with Spirit to get the best ‘channels’ and information and learn how to turn it off altogether when you’d instead like to relax with a margarita and pamper your own Spirit.

In The Membership Program, a monthly training program I offer, I have meditations in the archives, explicitly designed to help you turn your gifts down. However, even if you don’t join that, know most programs offer some sort of training in closing down a connection.

3. You Learn How To Connect With Your Personal Guides, Angels And Loved Ones

Mediumship isn’t just about connecting with Spirit for other people to bring through their Loved ones and Angels, it’s also about learning how to connect with Spirit for yourself and for your own benefit.

So, most psychic mediumship training programs begin the first few classes by helping you meet a personal guide, usually a gatekeeper guide.

One of the best parts of developing mediumship is having immediate access to the Spiritual Realm - no matter who it is you want to connect with or for.

4. You Learn How To Access Spiritual Guidance On-Demand

When you develop your abilities to connect with Spirit, you’ll have the ability to get information from the Spiritual realm whenever you are personally in need of guidance.

As long as you are clear and grounded, a mediumship training program will help you open up to be your own conduit to source, meaning; you may never have to pay for a reading again.

While it’s always essential to maintain healthy boundaries, between the spiritual world and the physical, developing a relationship with Spirit is almost like having a side-line coach - typically always available to you for questions about the next play in the game once you know how to connect.

Check out: 3 Simple Ways To Start Connecting With Your Spirit Guides

5. You Get To Connect With Like-Minded Folks In A Supportive Atmosphere

One of the number one things I hear from people who contact me about mediumship training and development is that they always felt like they were the different one and that they wish they had more friends who understood them in their area.

In a mediumship training program, you’ll connect with people just like you, who are looking to understand, manage, and develop their unique abilities to help others. It’s refreshing to have found your tribe sometimes.

From a place of understanding, we learn to connect and explore that connection with Spirit together.

6. You Learn How To Use Your Abilities To Help Others

Always thought of your gifts as a burden?

Wondered if you could do more to help those around you?

Desired to turn your sensitivities into something that could help others?

Now you can.

Connecting with Spirit for others is incredibly validating and personally rewarding. When bringing through guidance from Guides, Angels and Loved Ones to your friends, family and even clients, you are often thanked and validated - people often walk away feeling better, relieved and also personally lifted in their Spirit.

Giving the gift of Spirit is like a flower that never stops blooming. Always rewarding and offering beauty, and one of the best parts is the guidance you receive for others, you can also integrate into your own life.

It has been said that psychic development is one of the quickest forms of spiritual growth there is and I agree with this.

7. You Often Learn How To Cultivate Financial Abundance With Your Abilities

A full length or comprehensive psychic training program will teach a little bit about business building for those interested.

Delivering messages from Spirit is a valuable trait.

While you can most certainly give this skill away for free to everyone you know and love for any reason, you can also exchange value for your abilities to connect with Spirit.

It takes training, practice, and commitment - just like any profession. And in a mediumship training program, you can learn how to make your gifts work for you and provide you with abundance and resources.

8. You Figure Out ‘What’s Been Going On With You’ Once And For All

You aren’t alone in your experiences, and there are perfectly understandable explanations for what’s been happening on your Spiritual journey. In a mediumship training program, you’ll learn about many of the things you’ve been experiencing that will help put some of the puzzle pieces together.

Light bulbs of understanding and connection will happen. Your experiences will begin to make even more sense than they did before.

And remember, your experiences are more typical than you may think.

9. You'll Receive Validation And Affirmation On Your Life Path Of The Work You’ve Already Been Doing With Spirit

In a mediumship training program, you’ll have opportunities to practice your abilities on other students and other people in the real world. We currently do this in our monthly practice group in The Membership Program, which is a monthly spirit connection development program.

In these practice sessions, you can receive feedback and validation on the evidence and information you are capable of providing to others. You’ll learn not that you were making it all up, but rather, that your perceptions and receptions from Spirit can be validating for yourself and others.

You'll also learn how to sort out what is and what is not true guidance.

10. Make New Friends

One of the most refreshing and most rewarding parts of enrolling in a training program for psychic, intuitive or mediumship development, aside from the development and understanding of your gift, and learning to deepen your connection to Spirit -  is in the ability to develop and unfold with support, guidance and validation from your peers and mentors.

In a mediumship training program, you’ll be reaching out not only to connect with Spirit but with those who also share your belief and value systems.

These are just a few of the benefits of learning how to connect to Spirit in a class or training program.

How much does a psychic training program cost?

It all depends on the length of the program, how many students are in the group, the depth of the training, and the ongoing support provided after the program is complete.

Outside of receiving guided, organized information, with feedback, and a boost of spiritual development, there are many other benefits that only you’ll find out when you take a class.

Take your experience to the next level, and join The Membership!

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