The 31 Best Books For Psychic Development

Best Books For Psychic Development. Photo of the end of a wooden bookshelf by Roman Kraft on Unsplash.

Updated 2022.04.27, and just as an FYI, this post contains affiliate links. Looking for some life changing books? In this post, we discuss -

I’m a fan of books, and if I’m not careful, I can bury myself in them rather than in the living human world.

At times, books can feel softer, gentler, and a lot more loving of a place to retreat to after a day of interacting with the world at large. 

Growing up in a Victorian Home with inlaid bookshelves, and with eccentric parents, as children, my siblings and I watched about an hour of television a day.

The rest of the time was meant for books, homework, chores, practicing our instruments or playing outside. What I learned in all this reading time is that in each story, no matter fiction or nonfiction, there is a hero.

There is a victor, something beneficial, and usually, someone somewhere walks away triumphant, aware, and more fabulous because of what happened. 

In the best psychic development books, what you usually find are emotional, mental, and philosophical tools for the hero, you, to triumph through the story. 

Psychic books can help you as you move through the journey and through your story in a little bit more of a thoughtful, lighthearted, and conscious way.

They can be loving. They can explain things others are afraid to discuss in public. They can open up your world to a lot more magic than is typically allowed in society. I love them. 

I recommend so many books in my work, and I review the texts professionally, as many as I can as they come out. 

So below you will find a list of some of my top recommended books for developing your abilities, getting to that next stage of spiritual evolution. And yes, for a little bit of comfort and warmth after a cold, hard day in the world of humans. 

The 31 Best Books For Psychic Development

Best books for psychic development. Photo by Dominika Roseclay from Pexels.

Photo of spiral staircase by Armelion from Pixabay

Photo bookshelves on a curve by Olenka Sergienko from Pexels

A lot of what's inside these books is real if you choose to accept it and to accept it can be joyful if you do. 

I update this list frequently and, it’s true I don’t catch them all.

There are many books on the path. So these are just a few I suggest and have helped me.

Choose as many as you can, used or new, and dig in. Start with the ones that speak to you first. 

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Psychic Development Books. Best books for psychic development. Photo by Dominika Roseclay from Pexels with text overlay of title, The 31 Best Books for Psychic Development.

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