Amanda Linette Meder

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Signs From Spirit - Does My Father Visit Me As A Cardinal?

Cardinal Signs: What Do They Mean? Photo of Male Cardinal on branch in light winter background. Image by skeeze from Pixabay

Cardinal Visitations From Spirit

Updated 2022.03.16

Have you seen Cardinals, Red-Tailed Hawks, or other birds? Seeing a Red Cardinal after the death of a loved one? Thinking it might be a sign from the Spirits of your deceased loved ones?

If so, you may be right.

Cardinal symbolism from Heaven may have some backing to it. It's also rich with symbolism. 

Those on The Other Side love more than anything to send you signs, symbols, and hints that they are near and with you, more than you may even know.

And while "It's a Cardinal! That must be my mother!" sounds like it could just be a catchphrase, hang on. 

Before I wrote for this website, I taught environmental education and we talked all about birds. 

One of the things I learned in all this was that birds don't see the same colors we do. In fact, they have more rods and cones in their eyes, making it easy for them to see wavelengths of light that we don't. 

Then, when I entered the mediumship and Spirit communication world a couple years later, I learned that it's widely thought Spirits communicate through high-frequency wavelengths. 

These wavelengths are visible, but humans may not be able to depict them. 

So when people ask me how birds connect with Spirit, I can only guess that perhaps it's because they can see the energy world.

From that, they signal us to things within it.

By watching them, we can see what is going on in the realms invisible to us. 

Birds are so observant and spirit may work with them to connect.

How Spirit Connects With You

Photo of male cardinal in tree branches by Amanda Linette Meder team

While those in Spirit can connect with you through:

  • Shared thoughts

  • By sending you images while in your space

  • By sending you sensations when they are around

They often attempt to send you an external sign that they are with you, as an added assurance of their very real presence in Spirit. 

Coins, flowers, numbers, and small objects are common ways to send you a message of their presence, but one very special way to get your attention is to send an animal. 

Sending animal signs may feel mystical or old fashioned, but it's not.

It's a great way to send signs to people who live in the woods, work from home, or spend a lot of time in nature.

If you are a birder, the Spirit World, which is very close to the natural world, may communicate with you exclusively through your animal friends. 

Your loved ones in Spirit, now exist entirely in the form of energy, and as such, they can utilize the energy present in animals (and plants) to connect with you. 

This is temporary, and your loved ones can ‘borrow’ the body of an animal and use their energy to connect with you. They can also do it by asking a favor.

Humans and birds have often evolved alongside each other, so this could only be one of the ways they share information. 

Which birds are the preferred vehicles for communication?

Photo of male cardinal looking to the side in tree branches by Amanda Linette Meder team

Common, colorful and/or larger birds and beautiful winged insects such as:

  • Cardinals

  • Bluebirds

  • Red-tailed Hawks

  • Butterflies and Moths

  • Adult Dragonflies

Cardinals can be preferred messengers because of the symbolism of the bird. They are masculine protectors, the father oft feeds the young, so they are common messengers for those who have lost important men in their lives. 

Their coloring, red, is also symbolic of the masculine, yang energy. Cardinal visitors come from strong Spirits who are typically proactive in their lives.

Not necessarily male Spirits, but yang-action oriented people generally are those who work with Cardinals as their messengers. 

Bernadette at also mentions Cardinal is symbolic of strong family ties.

So… If Cardinal Spirit Messengers typically come from those we have lost who were

  • Foundational in our lives

  • Very yang/action-focused/perhaps male, but not always

  • Family-oriented

Does this sound like someone you know? 

If so, they may be attempting to send you messages through the symbolism in this animal.

Photo of Northern Cardinal on peak of roof by GeorgiaLens from Pixabay

Why Do Spirits Work With Birds To Send Messages? 

Besides what I mentioned above about the possibility that birds can see Spirits, due to the connections around light waves they can see, that we mostly cannot, unless under certain conditions, here are a few possible other hypotheses:

They can get to you

Birds and winged insects can fly, which means they can travel faster to you. Also, traversing in the sky, rather than land, there are fewer obstacles that can get in the way, thwarting a visit. 

They can migrate from farther distances in a shorter time than many land mammals. 

If you were to move or be in a different location - but needed a visit from Spirit - you are more easily reached via a bird or winged insect. 

For example, imagine your sign from your Father is a Pileated Woodpecker, a large, loud, and easy to spot bird, native to the southeastern United States. But then, unexpectedly, you move to another part of the country, where there are no Pileated Woodpeckers. 

What now? While this bird can migrate and travel, visitations are far easier if your 'Spirit Sign' were a more common species, such as a Cardinal. 

Spirit tends to choose messengers that are common, but not too common; otherwise, it wouldn't be special. 

So, while you can experience Spirit Messages from rare birds, occasionally your friends may choose to make themselves known to more common birds, such as the Cardinal. 

Exception: I have heard of rare birds following people to other parts of the country and appearing out of nowhere to them. Miracles are real. 

They’re easy to see

We notice wildlife and animals, especially when they appear right in our face and line of sight. 

Birds and winged insects, when we notice them, are often within eye-level. Additionally, they can put themselves within eye level of us on a relatively quick basis.

So they can get our attention real quick. Not paying attention to buzzing in your ear? Ignoring all the number signs? 

Birds and winged insects, those who are employed by Spirit, are often selected for their visibility especially.

The more noticeable to you, the better for Spirit. 

Bright colors, big sizes, easily identifiable species - these are the preferred carriers for your visit. Why would you make an effort if it goes unnoticed? Visibility simply raises the chances they’ll be noticed.

For example, Cardinals, especially male Cardinals, are highly visible and prevalent in the United States where I live.

No matter where I have lived in my life - east coast, west coast, midwest, south - I have managed to spot a Cardinal. While they are not an everyday sight, when I see them, I notice. And I’ve seen them everywhere.

Thus, this is an excellent bird for your loved ones in Spirit to use to connect with you - they are bright and visible, familiar, and can move quickly, if necessary.

If you were to move after your loved one crosses over, they would still prefer to connect with you with the same sign - as it is your secret code. 

So, they’ll try to select something common enough to reach you - no matter where you go or what places you travel. Okay, so you moved somewhere with no Cardinals, like another country?

Look for the next red bird you see - and you’ll find your new ‘code word.'

They improve the mood

By working with the Animal Spirit World to create a visitation, it usually enhances the mood and provides reassurance. 

Most people are favorable to wildlife. Thus, if working with the Bird Spirit World will soften the message or lighten it, birds may be a preferred partner for visitations. 

To Recap

What Does Seeing A Cardinal Symbolize Spiritually? This post talks about it! Photo from Pixabay of a red male cardinal on a post with text overlay.

Why do Spirits work with Cardinals to connect?

  • Birds see light frequencies we do not so they may have greater access to the unseen planes of reality. 

  • Through this, they may be able to see and connect with the Spirit World, acting as intermediaries for us. 

  • Due to the symbolism, Cardinals are preferred signs from family members who were ‘cardinal’ in your soul group - think of the person who was the glue that held it together. 

Spirits may also work with other large unusual and colorful birds to connect with you - woodpeckers, hawks, parrots, etc. 

Birds are intuitive beings who have an intelligence all their own. They are observant, friendly, and social, making them ideal communication agents. 

I always take it as a compliment when a bird wants to fly to me, even when I know the majority of it is just birds being birds. It happens more and more nowadays, even when I don't have food around. 

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