What Bird Signs Symbolize & How To Identify A Bird Sign

Image of Raven sitting on rock in foreground and canyon in background by Free-Photos from Pixabay

Updated 2025.01.07

Birds are some of the most intelligent, empathetic, and creative creatures on our planet.

For this reason, they often spend much time curiously interacting with humans.

Our interactions with other birds can act as mirrors, which we can use to glean information about ourselves, who we are, and where we are going.

Bird signs often come to us when we are feeling disconnected from creation.

When reflective about a missed social connection, social awkwardness, the complexities of life, then this is usually when a bird sign enters the picture. 

Nature and its inhabitants communicate most readily when we are separate from our kind. 

Birds tend to approach us when our energy is more contained and introspective. This is why we often interact with them when we are in our most philosophical states.

Birds are social beings; thus, they seek social connection, too. They also enjoy being leaders, teachers, and learning new things. 

Birds’ signs will often appear to communicate with us when we are in an approachable, learn-new-things, state of being.

When birds arrive in our life, in general, it is to remind us of our connection to all beings. It is telling us once again that friendships with other humans are not the only types of associations we can have.

Anytime a person feels apart from the world, go outside, and try saying hello to another species.

When birds know a person is talking to them, they often talk back. 

Big and small alike, birds are curious and aware. They will often engage in interaction with a trusted source, so developing time around the birds can promote more signs and messages from them.

Bird visitations can teach us about…

Photo of Bald Eagle sitting on tree branch with blue sky in background by Frank Cone on Pexels
  • Our likability

  • Our gentleness

  • Our ability to garner the trust of others

So how does one know when a sign is a sign? How does one know it is not animals being animals, and it is a genuine connection?

Receiving a sign from a bird is nothing more than having a bird, attempting to communicate a message from their world to the human world.

How To Identify A Bird Sign

Image of bird flying in purple light by Mabel Amber from Pixabay with text overlay - Bird Signs: What They Symbolize & How To Identify A Bird Sign

There are a few rules for bird signs, and they are:


Notice if it is biologically out of the ordinary for that creature. Something that animal does not usually do.


It's a rare meeting, an experience with a creature like this is unique.


Feel a moment of connection with this creature? Tingles for a moment? Did time pause when it happened?

Image of a raven up close by Gabor MOHOLY from Pixabay

Ask for a unique sign and then see a unique bird sighting right after that? Have a moment of two species appreciating one another? 

If #1 or #2, plus #3, then a message transference has occurred, and this may be a sign.

To receive more bird signs, be aware, be approachable, be alert, and be present.

Birds are also empathetic, social creatures.

Animals understand vulnerability and especially birds. They are social and bonding species and thus have the capacity to bond with other species.

So bird signs are often a sign of an ability to bond with other gentle creatures, and a symbol of empathy is increasing. Continue on this path, notice the birds that appear most, and more signs will come.

Now for a few common questions about spiritual signs from birds…

Image of bird flying in purple light by Mabel Amber from Pixabay
  • What does it mean when a bird follows you

When a bird follows you, they are likely curious about you and want to learn more about who you are and what you're up to. This is generally a sign of your opening empathic abilities to connect to animals.

This is also generally a sign that your energy is becoming more gentle, trusting, and heart-centered.

Animals tend to bond with those with balanced-heart energy fields - i.e., people not giving off threat or fear signals.

  • Symbolism of bird flying across your path

Consider this as a sign you're headed in the right direction, especially if that bird is a Hawk, such as a Red-Tailed Hawk.

Birds that send signs are often those in the Blue Jay, Cardinal, Hawk or Owl families, though all birds communicate messages.

  • Meaning of birds flying in front of a car

This often symbolizes a positive omen related to something you're concerned about.

If you can determine the species, there is usually a deeper sense of what this sign may mean to you. 

  • How do you meet a bird spirit guide?

Many mediums, intuitive, teachers, and authors tend to have their leading Spirit Guide appear as a bird.

These are often called messenger guides.

You can call one forward in your meditations or when doing a shamanic journey, which is a meditation process that usually is accompanied by a drumming trance.

Check out How To Find The Name Of Your Spirit Guide and request one come forward. They'll appear in vision and life.

So to recap, on bird signs…

Photo stately bird on tree branch by Rajukhan Pathan on Pexels
  • Unique bird signs tend to happen when you are more connected to your empathic nature

  • Bird signs appear to remind you of a greater connection with the Universe is opening

  • They are often positive signs showing you are exactly where you need to be

  • To get the deeper meaning of a sign, identify the species then look up the symbolism

If the sign is also synchronistic (it happens at an exact moment of awareness) or comes in a series, the greater the chance it is a sign to listen to. Birds, in physical form and on a spiritual plane, relate to us, connect to us, and share with us a collective awareness in life. This is often why so many people interact with them and find it meaningful to receive signs from them.

Meaningful interaction with any species can be a sign that your heart is opening and that your connectedness to all things is expanding.

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