Amanda Linette Meder

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9 Symbolic Meanings of the Bluebird

Photo of an Eastern Bluebird by ALM Team

There are three types of bluebirds, eastern, western and mountain, in North America.

They eat insects most of the year and offering mealworms at your bird feeder is a well known technique to attract them to your yard.

These beautiful little birds are signs of love, happiness, hope and the coming spring.

To dive deeper into what bluebirds symbolize, below are 9 spiritual meanings of the bluebird:

Photo of an Eastern Bluebird by ALM Team with text overlay 9 Symbolic Meanings of the Bluebird

1 - Consistency And Devotion In Love

Bluebirds are typically monogamous throughout the breeding season and may mate for more than one season.

When you see a bluebird in terms of love, it can be a sign of faithfulness, and devotion in a relationship. 

If you’ve been feeling unsure or uneasy about your relationships, a bluebird can appear to remind you that all is currently well on that front.

2 - Be Happy

Have you ever heard The Bluebird of Happiness

It’s a song that perfectly depicts the theme of this bullet point. Bluebirds are cultural reminders of happiness.

Bluebirds can appear to remind you to be happy. Find reasons to appreciate who and what is around you. Pursue your ray of light. Discover what makes you smile. 

Life is short, find your bluebird of happiness. As they say in the song lyrics:

And if things don’t look so cheerful,

Just show a little fight,

For every bit of darkness,

There’s a little bit of light.

For every bit of hatred,

There’s a little bit of love.

For every cloudy morning, there’s a midnight moon above.

Remember your midnight moon. Find what brings you peace and contentment.

3 - Hello From Heaven

Some believe that bluebirds, like cardinals, are little hellos from heaven.

Pay special attention to these cheerful messengers especially when they appear synchronistically, such as on an anniversary day, when you’re thinking about your loved ones or during an important moment.

4 - Good News Is Arriving Soon

According to Birds & Blooms, bluebirds can be a good luck sign, meaning: expect cheerful news coming to you soon.

Perhaps they mean good news because some bluebirds migrate in the winter. When they return in the spring, a season often associated with positive new beginnings, they bring growing crops and warmer weather.

5 - Use Pre-Existing Structures To Get The Job Done

Bluebirds are opportunistic cavity nesters. They use pre-existing holes created naturally, bluebird landlords or other birds to make their nests.

When bluebirds appear, it can be a sign to be opportunistic, and take advantage of existing nooks and crannies. Repurpose existing structures to achieve your goals.

6 - Put Nest Helpers To Work

Bluebirds have close-knit families. Bluebird adolescents from the first brood will stick around the nest to help their parents raise the second brood. They may even collect food for the younger brood.

If you have mature helpers around your household, teach them how to care for the younger ones and do the chores that need to be done. Install a helping mindset in anyone sticking around the nest.

7 - Defend Your Territory

Both male and female bluebirds defend their favored nest and forage spaces by chasing away competitors. Males also sing duels with competing males on the edge of their territory and defend their nest sites

When a bluebird appears, it can be a sign to defend your favorite places and spaces. You may do it gradually, as territory establishment is often a slow process that can take more than one season and attempt.

8 - Be Social

Bluebirds are very social and form large flocks. These flocks consist of up to 100 birds, containing multiple breeding pairs, their children, plus single adults.

When bluebirds appear, it can be a sign to be social with others. Get out there, mingle, plan social events, go to social events, strive to be amicable and talkative with others.

9 - Ask For What You Need

Male Mountain Bluebirds are often in charge of gathering the food, while the female tends to the nestlings. 

When a male returns with insects, female bluebirds open their beak, quiver their wings, and make begging calls to ask for that food.

Sometimes, the female bluebird simply flicks her farthest wing from her mate, which is her mate’s cue to fly off for a snack. 

When a bluebird appears, it can be a sign to ask for what you need from whoever provides the resource. You may do it coyly or demonstrate what you mean with actions as well as words.

Photo of an Eastern Bluebird by ALM Team

To recap, seeing a bluebird can symbolically mean:

1 - Consistency And Devotion In Love

2 - Be Happy

3 - Hello From Heaven

4 - Good News Is Arriving Soon

5 - Use Pre-Existing Structures To Get The Job Done

6 - Put Nest Helpers To Work

7 - Defend Your Territory

8 - Be Social

9 - Ask For What You Need

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