Amanda Linette Meder

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Frog Symbolism: 7 Spiritual Messages of the Frog

Photo of frog in pond weeds by Richard Fletcher on Pexels

In general, frogs symbolize renewal, wealth, moon energy, yin energy, water energy, transformation and birth.

They can be seen as beings that bring in “the rain,” indicating good luck and fortune is on the way.

Amphibians by nature, frogs breathe through their skin, so their presence can also be a sign of a healthy environment - as frogs can’t live in toxic or anoxic conditions.

To dive deeper into what frogs can mean when you see them spiritually, read on below.

Photo of green frog on mossy bark by Erick Arce on Pexels with text overlay Frog Symbolism: 7 Spiritual Messages of the Frog

When you see a frog in dreams, art and meditations, it may symbolize:

1 - You’re sensitive to changes in your environment

Due to their permeable skin, frogs are extremely sensitive to changes in their environment. In fact, you can track the health of an ecosystem by the number of frogs that can live there.

If a frog has symbolically entered your life, it can be a sign you too are sensitive to changes in your environment - anything from temperatures to toxins may affect you. 

Do your best to keep your internal and external environment healthy for you by asking the question, what is one way I can look out for me right now?

2 - Look beyond surface appearances when making a choice

In The Frog Prince, a frog approaches a princess and asks for companionship to break a spell. She treats him with disgust, due to his initial appearance, but as it turns out, he was really a prince after all.

The moral of this story is to not just look at external appearances when viewing what is pure and true.

When a frog appears to you, it can be a reminder that what appears as true on the surface is not always so, and to really see what is true, you must look deeper before accepting or rejecting it.

3 - You can walk between heaven and earth

Just as frogs exist between water and land, in shamanic circles, people with frogs as their animal totem are thought to exist between worlds.

When a frog appears, it can be a sign that you can access the human realm as well as the spirit realm. 

4 - Tap into cleansing energy

Because they are aquatic creatures, frogs are often associated with water symbolism like renewal, cleansing, feminine or yin energy and abundance, due to water being the source of much of the possible life on Earth.

You can call on frogs to cleanse any negativity from your life, whether it is in the form of emotional, spiritual or physical toxins.

5 - Good luck is on your side

In Japan, frogs are often associated with luck and abundance. In Native American culture, they are seen as “rainmakers.” 

Frogs as Animal Spirit Guides can be called upon to bring rain, lucky conditions, prosperity or good fortune in any form. 

Seeing them in your dreams or meditations can be a reminder that luck and prosperity are on their way to you or currently surround you.

6 - It’s a fertile time in your life

In ancient Egypt, frog goddess Heqet, depicted as a frog-headed woman, watched over fertility and birth.

If a frog appears to you, it can be a great time to birth something into this world, whether it is a new project, person or way forward.

7 - New beginnings are on the way

Due to the renewing forces that their watery energy brings, and their connection to birth and fertility, frogs can also symbolize new beginnings.

If you see a frog, get ready to welcome in a new start or direction in an area where you’re seeking positive new growth. 

This new beginning can refer to moving to a new place or embarking on a new endeavor. It can also refer to a fresh start in a relationship or new perspective on an old topic.

Photo of frog statue by Casia Charlie on Pexels

These are just a few of the possible interpretations for what it symbolically could mean when a frog appears in your life.

If you have a frog as your Animal Spirit Guide or Totem, this is a very good omen, it means that luck is on your side in many ways. 

Frogs are usually positive signs that appear to let you know they support your path in potentially one of the ways mentioned above.

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