How Do I Know What My Intuition Is?

Image of purple and blue abstract by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay

Updated 2024.10.22

One of the best ways to identify what your intuition is, compared to what it is not, is to start by reflecting on every time you had either a “should’ve listened to my intuition” or “glad I listened to my intuition” moment. 

I’ve had so many of these and others I speak to have too so you probably know what I’m talking about, but for an example -

Of the “should’ve listened to my intuition” moment, consider:

You want to make an appointment on Wednesday. 

You hear an inner voice that tells you not to make the appointment until Friday, but you get excited and override the voice. On Thursday, you call and make the appointment because you just can't wait any longer.

When Friday comes around, new information arrives and you have to cancel your appointment to handle something more urgent. 

If you listened to that voice on Wednesday, you would’ve saved so much administrative effort and time.

Of the “glad I listened to my intuition” moment, consider:

You get an impulse to go to the store in the middle of the day and you listen to it. You decide to go with the flow on this particular day and you follow the flow.

Behold, a rare, discontinued, out of print, hard to find artifact you’ve been searching for a year for is sitting right there at a great price. You seem to beeline right to it, it’s at eye level and it’s basically glowing with energy, like a Holy Grail might be.

You grab it and it's awesome because you listened to the nudge. You remain excited about this find for weeks to come.

How To Know When Your Intuition Is Speaking To You

How Do I Know What My Intuition Is? text overlay image of purple and blue abstract by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay

Reflect on how it felt when you listened to the intuitive nudge

Intuition speaks often as an inner voice or a nudge, and the best way to know when it is working is to reflect on when it has worked and remember what it felt like by asking yourself a few questions.

How did I hear that voice that said to hold off on making an appointment? Did it come from inside, in my gut? Did it feel like it just floated in from elsewhere? 

How did I get that nudge to go to the store? What did it feel like when it came in? How long did the nudge feeling last? Was it persistent and continuing, or was it fleeting like a passing idea?

Reflect on how it felt when you ignored the intuitive nudge

We all have experiences when we received an inner knowing and ignored it. What did that inner knowing feel or sound like when it spoke to you? Now that you know how it appears, commit to that listening in the future.

Fine tune

Now that you know what it feels like to listen to the knowing and what happens when you ignore it, you have an idea of how your intuition speaks to you. The goal is to identify what it feels like, looks like when your intuition has spoken to you in the past, so you can pinpoint it in the future.

It can be subtle. It can sound like an inner voice or look more like a feeling, or dream.

Photo of purple and blue feather-like texture by Anni Roenkae on Pexels

Next time you hear it speaking, practice listening and trusting it.

Once you have an idea of how these instances came to be within you, you have a greater awareness of knowing what it feels like when your intuition is speaking to you, so you can notice it in the future, allowing you to listen to it and tap into your intuition more frequently.

If you’ve ever had a “should’ve listened to my intuition” moment, keep in mind this is how we all learn when we are aligned to our intuition and when we are not. These moments can be just as valuable as teaching tools as the moments when we listen.

As long as you use the instance as an opportunity for greater awareness, it’s not a missed opportunity, it’s a precious key to more insight on how to follow your intuition from here on.

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