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Inner Guidance Class + Intuitive Practice Group

Photo: Purple abstract glass bubbles

Member Monthly Meeting + Intuitive Practice Group

Lecture, Q&A and Practice all on the theme this month.

This month’s class will include activities and meditations based on January’s theme of Inner Guidance, which will be released on the 1st of the month and available for all website members.

Join us at the time of the call with a headset, earphones, a notepad and a quiet, comfortable place to listen and ask questions. The chat feature will be enabled, and participation and video are always optional. You can choose to listen in without your video on or you can turn your video on, chat, and ask questions.

The first part of this event will be our class where we’ll host discussion, meditations and additional topics related to our theme.

The second part of the event will be our practice group, where we'll be participating with a volunteer, practicing our intuitive gifts and getting feedback. In the practice section, we’ll work with our non-physical abilities to read, intuit, and stretch our gifts to help volunteers. This provides validation and experience in using your skills in a safe, directed away.

If it's your first time attending practice group, expect to observe first and then participate in future calls. The practice portion of the call will begin at or around 8:30pm EST/5:30pm PST. If you are attending the practice portion of the event, please RSVP ahead of the event. This lets us know for sure that you'll be participating in the practice, and allows time to plan the activities. We can always teach a class with one person, but for practice group, we'll need at least six guaranteed attendees. If you'd prefer not to practice, you are free to hop off at the time of intuitive practice.

Willingness to provide positive feedback is required for all volunteers. If you aren't selected as a volunteer for this call, we can put you on the waiting list for the next event. Must have a minimum of six people willing to practice their reading/healing skills to initiate this section of the event.

All readers and healers who participate, even if you are only practicing, must agree to maintain confidentiality regarding all information shared on the call. Due to the private nature of information often shared psychically, recording replays of the practice group will not be sent out. A recording of the class section will be sent out 48-72 hours after the event. If you are staying to practice, it's recommended you attend the class portion too, because we do warm-up meditations during class.

To register for this event and attend the class or the practice group or both:

Step 1. For new participants: Join The Membership Program, then officially RSVP inside. To guarantee a seat, sign-up for The Membership Program at least 48 hours before each event. Once complete, you'll receive a final email confirming your day-of-event unique call-in details. International toll-free participation options are also available for all. Late registration is often available day of the event. Simply email us if you don't see it open and wish to attend.

Step 2. For current members, officially register by visiting The Member Live Classes Page on the Membership Center Dashboard and clicking the "register here" link for this month’s event. Once complete, you'll receive a final email confirming your day-of-event unique call-in details. International toll-free participation options are also available for all.

Step 3. Once you register, your unique join in link will be provided on the confirmation screen and emailed to you. Use this link to start the webinar at the time of the call. 

Registration for the Practice Group and the Live Class will register you for the same event, you do not need to register twice!

All memberships must be active at the time of the event to attend.

For those who can't attend live, a recording of the class portion of the call will be made available to all active members within 3 business days following the event.

If you're joining us for practice and new to intuitive reading and energy healing: I suggest checking out a Grounding Meditation, an Energy Clearing Meditation, and a few of the Connecting with Spirit Meditations in The Member Center prior to attending to prep your energy. If this is your first time attending an event, plan to observe for the practice portion and then participate in the next call.

Cost. Included in membership fees. You must be an active member to participate and register for this event. 

Format: This event will be hosted via digital conference so you can attend from anywhere! Hosted virtually via a live internet conference. The event is a webinar which is sent to you via a private link after you register.

*must be a member to see the above page or a paywall will launch

Events rotate seasonally, and more events are added all the time. Join the Newsletter List to be notified of new events when they're added.

- New events, dates and times are updated every semester - 

All Times in Eastern Standard Time (EST)