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How To Manifest

Learn how to direct your intuitive intent toward creating your desired reality, by aligning non-physical philosophies with inner and outer practices.

To begin this journey, start by watching the Welcome Video below. 

Manifestation is the practice of matching your vibration with what you want to see in your desired reality.

It’s the concept of “like attracts like,” but broken out into tangible physical and non-physical practices to help you manifest desired experiences more quickly.

The Law of Attraction (LOA) is the core spiritual principle upon which all manifesting techniques and teachings are based.

In the 20th century, LOA teachings can be traced back to Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill (1937), a book focused on attracting money.

In the 1950s, Neville Goddard and Catherine Ponder added newer ideas, and expanded manifestation to all types of desired realities. 

Then in 1984, Abraham-Hicks Publications came along. These writings were inspired by 1984’s Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, a channeled book which focuses on conscious creation principles.

Starting in 2006 Rhonda Byrne with The Secret arrived on the scene. Other authors, like Sanaya and Duane Packer, Gabby Bernstein, Wayne Dyer and Deepak Chopra, have also added their spin on manifesting principles.

The premise behind LOA is you can draw to you what you focus on with positive intent and that you are a conscious creator of your reality. You’re in the driver’s seat of your life and using your intuitive intent; you can decide where you go and what you experience.

Manifestation is supported by chemical science, which suggests everything works by charged energy attraction. Atomic particles attract other similar particles to them.

Particles attract other particles on waves of energetic currents to fill the roles they need.

Manifesting is this same concept, but applied to the mind, body and collective consciousness. It states that similarly, your thoughts and emotions, which form chemical reactions, attract like experiences.

This all goes on via an instantaneous, automatic level and you can tap into it for your benefit.

Think of yourself like a nucleus, and all things revolving around you. Imagine you’re in control of the “charges” you emit and thus, the energy signals you send out. 

You will learn how to shift your energetic state, called your vibration, so you can create “new” points of attraction to bring into your life exactly what you are aiming for.

To manifest, you’re purposely adjusting your energy vibration, which shifts what you attract.

A few core ideas for manifesting success:

  • Thoughts and emotions form an energy field around you. This energy field guides your actions and how the environment responds to you.

  • Thinking positively and having positive emotions about desired experiences before they occur will help bring them in.

  • Use negative thoughts and emotions to get clarity on what you need to get back into alignment - this negative experience isn’t what I want, so what is it I do what?

  • Your state of alignment is based on your ability to get into your “vortex,” a state of personal positive energy. You want to hold it there to encourage faster manifestation.

  • Manifesting practices can help you to release outdated beliefs and attitudes which may have created blocks towards bringing in your manifestations.

When practicing the LOA, think of your mind as a force of energy that can send a signal out to all other energies on Earth, which can then respond and return that “like” energy with experiences.

The LOA can be a very empowering process, and it helps to create harmony between the mind and the heart. Once you have harmony internally, you can create a reflection of that externally.

Manifestation is an outcome that results from applied spiritual intentions in the framework of the LOA.

In the philosophy of manifestation, your life is largely about the art of drawing things, people and opportunities to you, that ultimately support you and your work here on Earth. 

Be open to what dreams could come to life as you try these exercises. Extraordinary things can happen when you practice manifesting!

To begin manifesting, get yourself into a positive state of alignment with your highest vision of self. You’ll start with thinking different thoughts in order to have different emotions, which changes the energy signals you emit, changing what you're manifesting.

You want to manifest what’s in alignment with your highest good, so even before that thing is manifested, you’ll practice getting into a state of connection with your highest and greatest good.

This is commonly called getting into your “vortex” of energy.

Exercises & Activities

1 - Pivot to positive thinking

The goal of this exercise is to practice getting into your vortex - which is a positive inner place where your thoughts and heart space aligns - no matter what is currently unfolding.

You want to be able to get into a positive state of attraction internally on demand.

Once there, you can make inspired decisions which will support your highest good.


Bring a challenging situation to your mind. Think a minimum of 3 positive thoughts about it. If you get stuck, start your thoughts with "Wouldn't it be nice if…” 

This can help guide your thoughts towards potential good outcomes. 

When you continually train your mind to look for the positive, by guiding it to good outcomes, over time, it will become second nature to think this way.


Try this activity again with a few more challenges. It helps when you close your eyes and envision positive reasons for the occurrence.

2 - Choose your desire

Now that you’re in a positive mental space from the first activity, make a focused decision on what you want to attract.

You want to choose a desire where you’re willing to be surprised with how it turns out and is fulfilled.

This is because in some cases the Universe will bring you something similar to what you envisioned, that you didn’t consider, but fills or exceeds the role. 


Write out your desire statement. Open a blank document on your computer or a blank notepad on your desk and begin writing out a statement that is similar to this: 

“I desire a {specifically name desire} to come into my life. I am now calling in the physical and non-physical resources that will make it so. I am asking that the Universe show me physical proof that this desire is unfolding, as well as non-physical proof, in my ability to maintain a good feeling vibration along the way.”

You can freestyle whatever flows from your hands or adapt this statement above. Keep this statement written in your notes throughout the duration of this journey and read it every day. As best as you can, keep this statement private.

3 - Bring your future manifestation in

Give yourself time each day to create a mental workshop where you pre-pave your reality with what you want to bring into your life.


Rest your gaze, inhale and exhale.  

Bring your desired reality statement to mind. Envision yourself (1) month in the future having the experience you want to attract.

Where are you? What are you wearing? Who are you with? What are you working on? Who are you working on it with? 

Now, imagine yourself walking back to 3 weeks from now, what are you doing? 

Walk yourself back to 2 weeks now, what are a few actions you’re taking now? 

Walk back to 1 week from now, what are you doing in this scene? Walk back to 10 minutes from now, what are you doing?

Inhale and exhale. Bring yourself back into the room.

Did you see yourself doing anything that you could do right now? Taking your future steps now will bring your manifestation closer to materializing.

To Recap

Let’s wrap up! The takeaway of this week’s practice ~


Practice getting into your ideal state of alignment for manifesting through positive pivoting

Focus in on the desire you want to manifest

Intentionally call forward your desired manifestation with a guided visualization

For best results: complete this series of 3 activities 1x/day for 7-10 days