27 Self Care Activities To Try At Home

Photo of jade roller and gua sha tool by Yan Krukov from Pexels

Photo of jade roller and gua sha tool by Yan Krukov from Pexels

At the very core of our essence, humans are spiritual beings in animal bodies. These bodies are what we call the self. 

Our animal bodies have three core needs - food, clothing and shelter.

Having a self-care routine can be as easy and simple as making sure to eat enough calories a day and drink enough water; then, it can be expanded into clothing oneself warmly, and finally, to assure you maintain a suitable shelter.

Shelter is a variable term that can range from a tarp, to makeshift lean-to, to a car roof, to an apartment or even a full sized house. 

Maintaining these elements in your life on a daily basis, or seeing that they are kept maintained for you, is the basis of a solid self-care routine, and the basis of the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, at meeting your physiological needs.

Beyond the above, the self-care activities you choose are all designed to meet your core needs as a human on this earth, from your biological needs all the way up to your spiritual needs.

Core needs include all of this and are dependent on each of our personal preferences, meaning while we all need food and love, our opinion on which type of each may differ. Same with clothing, safety, and housing.

These small differences in our preferences of what we need to survive, in ecological studies, is called ecosystem niching, and it is what allows so many diverse creatures to live in harmony side-by-side on our planet today.

You choosing one self-care activity over another, and someone near you choosing the reverse, is what leaves enough self-care resources for everyone.

Meaning there is enough room for everyone on this planet to do self-care.

With that in mind, below I’m going to go over some self-care activities you can perform, and when you review this list, keep in mind some may resonate with you and some not.

Choose the ones that do, and try them.

Photo of person holding a sheet mask for skincare on mellow yellow background by Anna Shvets from Pexels

Photo of person holding a sheet mask for skincare on mellow yellow background by Anna Shvets from Pexels

  1. Take a drink of your favorite beverage

  2. Light a candle

  3. Glance outside for three seconds and notice what you enjoy about the day so far

  4. Put on a cozy sweater

  5. Listen to music you like

  6. Eat a snack

  7. Gaze at one of the plants in your area and appreciate it for a moment

  8. Internally say three positive statements about your life

  9. Set the intention to have a good rest of your day

  10. Mentally plan your next meal

  11. Take care of a house plant

  12. Run through your finances, notice how much you have to use, appreciate what is there

  13. Think about five people who have been caring to you today or in the past

  14. Visit one creature (digital, plant, animal, or person) that cheers you up

  15. Congratulate yourself for completing something on your calendar this week

  16. Perform three of your favorite stretches

  17. Imagine all your thoughts coming to a centerpointe in your mind, then exhale

  18. Make a physical vision board of a goal you have

  19. Review an old vision board, and see if there are any dreams you can make true today

  20. Bathe your body or wash your hands and face

  21. Moisturize

  22. Say a loving statement to yourself

  23. Inhale your favorite essential oil

  24. Go for a walk

  25. Sort out your old notes of to-do’s, throw away what’s been done

  26. Say thank you to someone - a company, a person, or a natural resource

  27. Recall two things that happened yesterday that you appreciate

27 Self Care Activities To Try At Home over photo of person holding a sheet mask for skincare on mellow yellow background by Anna Shvets from Pexels

27 Self Care Activities To Try At Home over photo of person holding a sheet mask for skincare on mellow yellow background by Anna Shvets from Pexels

Select a few of the above that speak to you the most.

Try your selections every day for a week, then see how you feel, bookmarking this page if you need to come back to it.

If you feel good, keep up with your new self-care routine.

The benefits of doing a few self-care activities every day is you develop a routine and usually, after you perform them, you feel your needs are met, meaning you feel safe, loved and cared for where you are.

When you feel your needs are met and the feelings of contentment are produced, usually your entire mood then goes up, too - towards passion, bliss, excitement, and/or joy which raises the frequency of your thoughts. 

In short, self-care can put you in a better mood. When you are in a better mood, you have more positive thoughts.

These more positive thoughts can affect the creatures around you, which can influence the ecosystem of your local area at home or at the workplace.

Because you feel more positive, people may respond more positively to you, you may have more harmonious interactions with others, which can lead to an increase in resources, and thus, more options for self-care. 

So while self-care at first may feel selfish, it is actually a positive feedback loop that starts with you. 

Self-care is a way to give yourself space to breathe and be in a fast-paced world. When you have space, it can give others a chance to see and appreciate you more, too.

By giving to yourself, physiologically, emotionally, or mentally, you then also have more energy you can give to others. This can lead to more productivity at work or in your hobbies.

You’ll feel like you have more to offer when asked, which can foster healthier bonds with those in your life. 

When an environment has healthy bonds they are mutually beneficial bonds, and even if they are somewhat unspoken, in these bonds, everyone feels better and things run more smoothly.

So ultimately, you doing self-care is good for not just you, but it is good for your relationships and community.

To end, when people ask you why you are in such a good mood after doing the above activities, share the insight that you make self-care a priority. 

The world could become a merrier place - beginning with you as the merriest, due to how good you feel from your self-care practice.

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