How Do You Meditate For Healing?

Photo of quartz stone balancing amethyst by Mikhail Nilov from Pexels

Updated 2024.10.25

All meditations are mental exercises that involve focusing your mind and directing your thoughts to a specific task like sending energy, grounding, becoming clear, centering, or asking a question, like who am i?

There are many guided meditations you can do for healing, whether that healing is spiritual, mental or physical. Exercises you do in the mind, like meditation, can influence all of these areas.

Today we’ll cover one meditation you can do for healing. 

How To Meditate For Healing

Photo of quartz stone balancing amethyst by Mikhail Nilov from Pexels with text overlay How To Meditate For Healing

To meditate for healing:

1 - Think of where you want to see healing take place. It could be anywhere on your body, in your mind or in your emotions.

2 - Uncross your legs and place your feet hip width apart. 

3 - Roll your shoulders back and down. 

4 - Take three big inhalations and exhalations.

5 - Rest your gaze, bring your awareness to the part of you that needs healing.

6 - Read this Meditation For Healing:

Imagine this part of your body repairing itself cell by cell. Continue watching as this part of your body regenerates itself until it reaches its full healed state, injury and illness free. 

Now imagine yourself in the future without the injury. Take a moment to sense how you feel with the injury or illness gone.

Now bring your attention to where you feel pain, begin to imagine verdant green light flowing from the energy around you, to this area and wrapping it in supportive green energy. Imagine the entire spot covered in green light, all around the pain.

Say internally, “My body’s healing powers are now activated. My body’s wisdom knows how to heal itself and is repairing this illness/injury now.”

7 - To close this meditation, ask your inner self knowing if there is anything you can do now to support your body’s healing.

Photo of person holding green crystal in hands by Kevin Malik on Pexels

To recap, to meditate for healing, center your mind and body, then think about the part of you that needs healing. Imagine this part of you returning to its fully healed state, and send it a flow of green healing light. Close the meditation by affirming that your body’s healing powers are now at work.

This meditation is meant to be a complementary tool that works alongside any other “wellness helpers” you may have and in conjunction with any healing pathway you’re on. It is not designed as a replacement for medical recommendations you’ve already received or will receive in the future.

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